Wu Yue Scripts
Wu Yue Scripts
Wu Yue Wu Yue Scripts Catalogue Template

Wu Yue Inscriptions


Catalogue Template and Sample Page (Sword of Zhougou, excavated in 1973)

yue person
Fig.1 - Statue of a Tattood, Short-Haired Man from the Yue Region, Zhejiang Museum, Hangzhou.

Catalogue Template

I. Object Type: sculpture, vase, painting, manuscript, item of jewelry (necklace, brooch etc.).

II. Name (English and Chinese): Modern name if found in site report or literature (otherwise start with object type)

A. Name used in other sources:

III. Description of Object:

A. Material: stone, ceramic, bronze, wood, etc.
B. Condition and Preservation:
C. Technique: What techniques were used in the production of this object? Carved, cast, painted, etc.
D. Dimensions: height, width, depth, diameter, weight of the object.

IV. Inscriptions:

A. Inscription Description and Location: Incised, cast, inlay, raised relief, sunken relief, number of characters, style of characters etc. Location of inscription on object.
B. Transcription in Modern Chinese Characters:

Notes about modern transcription:
The editor transcribes the text into modern Chinese using modern equivalents of the character. Since this is not always possible, the following conventions may be used.
□ or □ A single character is missing or unreadable
⧄ Unsure if a character is missing or how many characters may have been lost.
[…] Lacuna, characters missing not restored by editor.
[越] missing or damaged character restored by editor.
[C+C], [C over C], [C + (C over C)] etc. is used to describe a character that does not have a modern Unicode equivalent.
Examples: 𫑛 = [戉+阝];
叴= [九 over 口]
敔=[(五 over 口)+攵]
[???] I presently cannot transcribe the character!
{吳} Character considered erroneous and superfluous by the editor.
⟨越⟩ A character restored by the editor, when the original is thought be a mistake in the original text.
戉 (越), The character in parentheses is suggested by the editor as the conventional form in standard Chinese orthography, either a modern form or loan character.
𣄨 (旗 – 祈) The editor is indicating that the first character in the parentheses is the modern form for the preceding character, and the second character is how that character that expected to be understood in the text. Here 旗 is the modern standard orthographic form of 𣄨, but the editor suggests that it should be understood as having the meaning of 祈.

C. Other Notes on the Inscription:

V. Archaeological Provenance:

A. Discovery Date:
B. Place of Discovery:
C. Excavation Site Name:
D. Dates of Excavation:
E. Site Reports:
F. Date of Site (Date of Burial or inhabitation):
G. Dating methods used for the site:
H. Estimated Date of Manufacture of Artifact
I. Dating method used for the artefact:

VI. Associated Artifacts in this Database:

A. Other Associated Artifacts

VII. Current Location: Current location/owner at time of publication:

Accession/Catalog Number:
Acquisition Date and other notes:
Previous Owners:
Other notes on post excavation history:

VIII. References: References to artifact in other sources

IX. Other Notes:

X. Photos, Rubbings, Epigraphic Line Drawings:

Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍 (1973, 18.11625)


I. Object Type:

II. Name:

III. Description of Object:

IV. Inscription:

V. Archaeological Provenance:

VI. Associated Artifacts in this Database:

VII. Current Location::

VIII. References:

IX. Notes:

X. Images: Sword of Zhougou1

Name and Description

I. Object Type:

II. Name (English and Chinese):

A. Name used in other sources:

III. Description of Object:

A. Material:.

B. Condition and Preservation:

C. Technique:

D. Dimensions:


IV. Inscriptions:

A. Inscription Description and Location:

B. Transcription in Modern Chinese Characters:

C. Other Notes on the Inscription:

Provenance and Location

V. Archaeological Provenance:

A. Discovery Date:

B. Place of Discovery:

C. Excavation Site Name:

D. Dates of Excavation:

E. Excavation Team/Institution:

F. Site Report:

G. Date of Site (Date of Burial or inhabitation):

H. Dating methods used for the site:

I. Estimated Date of Manufacture of Artifact:

J. Dating method used for the artefact:

VI. Associated Artifacts in this Database:

A. Other Associated Artifacts

VII. Current Location::

Accession/Catalog Number.

Acquisition Date and other notes.

Previous Owners.

Other notes on post excavation history.


VIII. References:


IX. Other Notes:


X. Photos, Rubbings, Epigraphic Line Drawings:Sword of Zhougou1