Wu Yue Scripts
Wu Yue Scripts
Wu Yue

Wu Yue Scripts


Wu Inscriptions

I. Early Wu Weapons (585-515 BCE)

A. Weapons from the time of King Shoumeng of Wu 吳王壽夢 (r. 585–561 BCE)

Swords 劍 jiàn

*1. “Sword of Prince Gufa Zhufan, Son of the King of Gouwu” 工䱷大子姑發[聑over𠔼]反劍 (1959; Jicheng 集成, 18.11718).

Sword of Prince Zhufan1
Photo of the Sword of Prince Zhufan, Anhui Provincial Museum; Photo by Benjamin Daniels (May 22, 2018).

Provenance: Excavated 1959. Zhanguo, Tomb No.2 二號墓 (M2:18.6), N of Cai Family Hill 蔡家崗, Zhao family burial mound 趙家孤堆, Huainan 淮南, Anhui. (see also 攻敔王夫差戈, 越王者旨於睗戈, and 越王者旨於睗戈).
Current Location: Anhui Provincial Museum 安徽省博物館, Hefei 合肥.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

工䱷大子姑發[聑over𠔼]反劍, Ma Chengyuan 馬承源 (1988).
姑發󰽉反劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11718.
工䱷太子姑發劍, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
工䱷大子姑發󰽉 [聑over𠔼]反劍, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻䱷大子姑發󰽉 [聑over𠔼]反劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Ma Chengyuan (1988): 工䱷大子姑發[聑over𠔼]反,自乍元用。才行之先,㠯用㠯隻(獲),莫敢󱟚(禦)余。余處江之陽,至于南,行于西行。

Dong Chuping (1992): 工䱷大子姑發[聑over𠔼]反,自乍元用。才(在)行之先, 㠯(以) 用㠯(以) 隻(獲),莫敢御(禦)余!余處江之昜,[至over于]南行西行。

Shi Xiejie (1998): 工䱷大子姑發[聑over𠔼]反自乍(作)元用,才(在)行之先,云(員)用云(員)隻(獲),莫敢御余,余處江之昜,至南行西行。

Dong Shan (2014): 工(句)䱷(吳)大(太)子姑發[聑over𠔼](聶)反自乍(作)元用。才(在)行之先,云用云隻(獲),莫敢御(禦)余。余處江之陽,至于南北西行。


Anhuisheng wenhuaju wenwu gongzuodui 安徽省文化局文物工作隊, “Anhui Huainanshi Caijiagang Zhaojiagudui Zhanguo mu” 安徽淮南市蔡家崗趙家孤堆戰國墓, Kaogu 考古 (1963.4): 204; 205, illus. #1 [204-212].

Ma Chengyuan. 馬承源 Shang Zhou qingtongqi mingwen xuan 商周青銅器銘文選 (4 volumes) (Beijing: Wenwu, 1986—1990) 4.537.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 89-92.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #42, 539-40.

Feng Puren 馮普仁. Wu Yue wenhua 吳越文化 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2007), 120.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #1; 9, 9n1.


The following translation of the sword’s inscription is based on the transcription given by Dong Shan (2014):

“I, Gufa Zhufan, the Crown Prince of the Gouwu, had this made for my own use. When in the vanguard, I use it [to slaughter] and capture the enemy; none dares to oppose me. My place is on the sunny-side of the Yangtze (i.e. north bank), from there I can march on campaign to the south, north, and west.”


Sword of Prince Zhufan
Photo of the Sword of Prince Zhufan taken at Anhui Provincial Museum; Benjamin Daniels (May 22, 2018)
Sword of Prince Zhufan
Photo of rubbing of inscription taken at Anhui Provincial Museum, Photos taken by Benjamin Daniels (May 22, 2018), this Rubbing is the Property of Anhui Provincial Museum.

B. Weapons from the time of King Zhufan of Wu 吳王諸樊 (r. 560–548 BCE).

Dagger-Axes 戈

2. “Dagger-axe of King Gufa Zhufan of Gouwu” 工𫊣王姑癹者坂戈.

Provenance:Excavated 1995. Tomb No.41, Jiuligou 九里溝, Lu’an 六安.
Current Location:Current location: Wenwu yanjiu does not say
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王諸樊戈, Feng Zhiyu 馮志餘 and Xu Ling 許玲 (2001).
工𫊣王姑癹者坂戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 攻(句) 𫊣 (吳)王姑癹(發)者(諸)坂乍(作)元用。


Feng Zhiyu 馮志餘 and Xu Ling 許玲, 六安市出土吳王諸樊戈 “Lu'an shi chutu Wuwang Zhufan ge,” Wenwu yanjiu 文物研究 No. 13 (2001): 320-321.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #3; 10, 10n1.


“King Gufa Zhufan of the Gouwu had this made for his own use.”

攻(句) 𫊣 (吳)王姑癹(發)者(諸)坂乍(作)元用。

Swords 劍 jiàn

*1. “Sword of the Younger Brother of King Gufa Zhufan of Gouwu” 工𫊣王姑癹[日 in between 北 over 舌]反之弟劍 (1985).

Provenance: Excavated in 1985, Sanjiaoping 三角坪, northeast of city area of Yushe County 榆社縣縣城東北, Shanxi.
Current Location: Yushe County Museum 榆社縣博物館, Shanxi.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳季子劍, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1990, reprint 2007).
工𫊣季子劍, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
工𫊣王姑癹󰽉 [日 in between 北 over 舌]反之弟劍, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
工𫊣王姑癹󰽉 [日 in between 北 over 舌]反之弟子劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Cao Jinyan (1990): 工𫊣王姑癹(發)[??]反之弟季子者(?)
尚,受余氒(厥)司金, 㠯(以)乍(作) 其兀 (元)用鐱(劍)。

Shi Xiejie (1998): 工𫊣王姑癹[日 in between 北 over 舌]反之弟⧄子⧄
⧄⧄宅(擇) 氒(厥)可金, 㠯(以)乍(作) 其兀 (元)用鐱(劍)。

Dong Shan (2014): 工(句)𫊣(吳)王姑癹(發)[日 in between 北 over 舌](讘)⧄之弟子子⧄⧄⧄(逸?)
厥司金回,乍(作) 其元用劍。


Jin Hua 晉華, “Shanxi Yushe chutu yijian Wuwang Gufa jian” 山西榆社出土一件吳王(月古)發劍, Wenwu 文物 (1990.2): 77-79, illus. #2 and 3.

Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, “Wu Jizi jian mingwen kaoshi” 吳季子劍銘文考釋 (originally in Dongnan wenhua 東南文化, 1990), reprinted in Wu Yue lishi yu kaogu luncong 吳越歷史與考古論叢 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2007), 10-13.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 94-98.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998) #43, 540.

Olivia Milburn, Cherishing Antiquity: The Cultural Construction of an Ancient Chinese Kingdom (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013), 126.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #6; 10, 10n4.


The following interpretation is based on Cao Jinyan’s (1990) transcription. I have also consulted Olivia Milburn’s translation, which agrees followed Cao Jinyan’s interpretation.

“I, Jizi Zheshang, the younger brother of King Gufa Zhufan of the Gouwu, received this auspicious metal, and used it to make a sword for my own personal use.”
工𫊣王姑癹(發) 囗反之弟季子者尚,受余氒(厥)司金, 㠯(以)乍(作) 其兀 (元)用鐱(劍).

*2. “The Sword of Tong, the Son of King Gufa Zhufan of Gouwu” 攻敔王姑發者反之子通劍 (2003).

Provenance: Excavated in 2003; Eastern Zhou Tomb #11, Zhou jiazhuang 周家莊, Xintai City 新泰, Shandong.
Current Location: Xintai Museum 新泰市博物館, Shandong.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

王姑發者反之子通劍, Wang Zhen 王震 (2003).
吳王諸樊之子通劍, Ren Xianghong 任相宏 and Zhang Qingfa 張慶法 (2004).
吳王諸樊之子通劍, Zhang Yong 張勇 and Bi Yumei 畢玉梅 (2013).
攻敔王姑發者反之子通劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Wang Zhen (2003): 攻吳王姑發者反之子通自作元用

Ren and Zhang (2004): 攻敔(吳)王姑發者反(諸樊)之子[走+甬]自乍(作)元用

Zhang and Bi (2013): 攻敔(吳)王姑發者反(諸樊)之子[走+甬]自乍(作)元用

Dong Shan (2014): 攻(句)敔(吳)王姑發者(諸)反之子[走+甬]自乍(作)元用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #4, 10n2.

Ren Xianghong 任相宏 and Zhang Qingfa 張慶法, “Wuwang Zhufan zhi zi Yong jian ji xiangguan wenti tantao” 吳王諸樊之子通劍及相關問題探討, Zhongguo lishi wenwu 中國歷史文物 (2004.5): 15-23.

Wang Zhen 王震, “Shandong Xintai Zhoujiazhuang mudi chutu de Wu Yue shi bingqi jiqi laiyuan” 山東新泰周家裝墓地出土的吳越式兵器及其来源, Zhongguo wenwu bao 中國文物報 (2003.11): 83-90.

Zhang Yong 張勇 and Bi Yumei 畢玉梅, “Shandong Xintai chutu Wuwang Zhufan zhi zi Tong jiàn” 山東新泰出土吳王諸樊之子通劍, Huaxia kaogu 華夏考古 (2013.6): 95-6.


“Tong, the son of King Gufa Zhufan of the Gouwu, had this made for his own use.”

*3.“Sword of Caobei, the Son of the King Gufa of the Gouwu” 攻𫊣王姑發之子曹斦員劍 (1982).

Provenance:: Excavated in 1982; An ancient burial at #6 Brick and tile factory 磚瓦廠, Xiangfan 襄樊 city, Hubei - excavated by the Hubei Provincial Museum 湖北省博物館..
Current Location:
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻(虍鱼)王姑發(反阝)之子曹(鱼市)劍, Zhu Junying 朱俊英 and Liu Xinfang 劉信芳 (1998).
攻𫊣王姑發[反+阝]之子曹[魚+市]斦[亻+尋]員劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #5, 10n3.


Zhu and Liu: 攻𫊣王姑發[反+阝]之子
曹[魚+市] 眾飛員, 自乍(作)元用。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻(句) 𫊣 (吳)王姑發[反+阝]之子曹[魚+市]斦[亻+尋]員, 自乍(作)元用。 Note: For the pronunciation of [魚+市] as bei, I have followed Olivia Milburn, Cherishing Antiquity (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013), 127.


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #5, 10n3.

Zhu Junying 朱俊英 and Liu Xinfang 劉信芳, “Gouwuwang Gufan Fan zhi zi Caobei jian mingwen jianjie” 攻𫊣王姑發[反+阝]之子曹[魚+市]劍銘文簡介, Wenwu 文物 (1998.6): 90-2.


“Caobeixiangzhongfeiyuan, the son of Gufa Zhufan of the Gouwu, made this for his own personal use”
攻𫊣王姑發[反+阝]之子曹[魚+市] 眾飛員, 自乍(作)元用.

For the name of the owner, Caobeixiangzhongfeiyuan 曹[魚+市] 眾飛員, I have followed the transcription given by Zhu Junying 朱俊英 and Liu Xinfang 劉信芳. Olivia Milburn also uses this transcription. Dong Shan gives the name 曹[魚+市]斦[亻+尋]員.

*4. “Sword of the King of Gouwu” 工䱷王劍 (1983; 集成, 18.11665).

Provenance: Excavated in 1983, Spring and Autumn tomb 春秋墓, on the north plain of Luetuan village 略疃村北坪子, Zhuge xiang-village 諸葛鄉, Yishui沂水, Shandong.
Current Location: Yishui Museum 沂水縣博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

工󰱨王劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11665.
工𫊣王劍, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
工䱷王劍, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻䱷王劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Chuping (1992): 工𫊣王乍(作)元巳(祀),用, 󰱨 乂江之台,北南西行。

Shi Xiejie (1998): 工䱷王乍(作)元巳(祀),用劍冢(重) 其江之台(涘)。北南西行。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻(句)䱷(吳)王乍(作)元巳(以-用),用冢其江之台(涘),北南西行。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 92-94.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #2; 9, 9n2.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #44, 540-1.

Yishuixian wenwu guanlizhan 沂水縣文物管理站, “Shandong Yishuixian faxian Gouwuwang qingtong jian” 山東沂水縣發現工(虍鱼)王青銅劍, Wenwu 文物 12 (1983): 12, illus. #2.


“The King of the Gouwu had this made this for his own use, using it to dominate the banks of the Yangtze, going on campaign to the north, south and west. ”
攻(句)䱷(吳)王乍(作)元巳(以-用), 用冢其江之台(涘), 北南西行.

C. Weapons from the time of King Yuji of Wu 吳王餘祭 (r. 547–544 BCE)

Dagger-Axes 戈

“Dagger-axe of King Qiegouciyu of the Gouwu” 攻𫊣王[虘+又][句+戈]此[余over車+阝]之鑄戈

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Private Collection in Jiangxi.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻𫊣王[虘+又][句+戈]此[余over車+阝]之鑄戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014, also calls it a Halberd 戟 ).


Dong Shan (2014): 攻(句)𫊣王[虘+又][句+戈]此[余over車+阝]之鑄戈


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #9, 13n2.

Swords 劍 jiàn

**1. “Sword of King Qiegouciyu of the Gouwu” 攻𫊣王[虘+又][句+戈]此䣄劍 (1988)

Provenance: Unearthed in 1988 in a mudslide after a storm, Gucheng 榖城, Hubei.
Current Location: Gucheng Museum 榖城博物館, Hubei.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

“攻■王■(句戈)此(余阝)”劍, Chen Qianwan 陳千萬 (2000).
攻𫊣王[虘+又][句+戈]此䣄劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 攻(句)𫊣王[虘+又][句+戈]此䣄, 自乍(作)元用劍。


Chen Qianwan 陳千萬, “Hubei Gucheng xian chutu ‘Gou[wu]wang [...]Ju Ciyu’ jian” 湖北榖城縣出土 “攻■王■(句戈)此(余阝)”劍 Kaogu 考古 (2000.4): 95-6.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), # 7, 12n2 .

2. “Sword of King Qiegouciyu of the Gouwu” 攻𫊣王虘[丩+戈]此䣄劍

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location:
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻𫊣王虘[丩+戈]此䣄劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 攻(句)𫊣王虘[丩+戈]此䣄自乍(作)元用。


Wu Zhenfeng 吳鎮烽, “Ji xin faxian de liang ba Wuwang jian” 記新發現的兩把吳王劍, Jianghan kaogu 江漢考古 (2009.3): 81-84.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), # 8, 13n1.

3. “Sword of Qieyigouyu, Younger Brother of the King of the Gouwu” 工𫊣大虘矣工𫊣劍

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Poly Art Museum 保利藝術博物館, Beijing
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

工𫊣大虘矣工𫊣劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 工(句)𫊣(吳)大虘矣工(句)𫊣(吳)自元用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #10, 13n3.

4. “Sword of Qieyigouyu, Younger Brother of the King of the Gouwu” 工𫊣大弔虘矣工𫊣劍

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Private Collection in Beijing
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

工𫊣大弔虘矣工𫊣劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 工(句)𫊣(吳)大弔(叔)虘矣工(句)𫊣(吳)自乍(作)元用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), # 11, 13n4.

5. “Sword of King Qieyigouyu of the Gouwu” 工𫊣王虘矣工𫊣劍

Provenance: excavated/unearthed? in Laoyuhang 老餘杭, Hangzhou.
Current Location: Hangzhou?
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

工𫊣王虘矣工𫊣劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 工(句)吳王虘矣工(句)吳擇其吉金, 台(以)為元用。又(有)勇無勇, 不可告人=(人,人)其智(知)之!


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎,《工吳王[虘+又][矢+句]工吳銘文考釋》,“鳳鳴岐山——周文化國際研討會(陝西岐山)”論文,2009 年4月8-11日。

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), # 12, 13n5.


Dong Shan interprets the inscription as,

“King Qieyigouyu of the Gouwu selected auspicious metal in order to make this [sword] for his own use. Whether I have courage is not something that can be told to others, they will just know it.”
工(句)吳王虘矣工(句)吳擇其吉金, 台(以)為元用。又(有)勇無勇, 不可告人=(人,人)其智(知)之.

D. Early Wu Spears 矛 máo

*1. “Spear of Gouwu” 工𫊣矛 (1984)

Spear from Wu
Spear from Wu, Nanjing Museum; Photo by Benjamin Daniels (May 24, 2018).

Provenance: 1984, Spring and Autumn period tomb 春秋墓 (M79), on top of a hill north of Dantu County 丹徒縣北山頂, Jiangsu. (Tomb of a King?)
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

余昩矛, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
工𫊣矛, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
工𫊣矛, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Chuping (1992): 囗(余昧)自乍/工其元用

Shi (1998): 𫊣自乍囗/工其元用

Dong Shan (2014): 𫊣自乍(作)囗工其元用。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 101-103.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #13

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #45, 541.


The inscription of eight characters is written in two columns. The site report transcribed the first column of the inscription as “The King of Xu, personally had this spear made” [徐王]自乍[矛], with the first character being a combined form of the two characters xu 徐 and wang 王. However, Dong Chuping argues that the “King of Xu” 徐王interpretation is incorrect, and he transcribes the first character as king Yumei’s name, with the two characters of his name combined into a single graph, but still read separately. Dong interprets the inscription as “Yumei had this made for his own personal use” [余昧]自乍囗,工其元用. However, Dong Shan considers the sequence of the inscription unusual, and that it does not refer to Yumei, but Gouwu (with each column beginning with part of the name), and places it in the time of King Yuji.

Sword of Prince Zhufan
Photo of Gouwu Spear, Nanjing Museum; Photo by Benjamin Daniels (May 24, 2018)

E. Weapons from the time of King Yumei of Wu 吳王餘眛 (r. 543–527 BCE)

Swords 劍 jiàn

The Sword of the Son of King Shoumeng of Wu 吳王壽夢之子劍

Provenance: Unearthed in 1997, Lu Xun Road, Shaoxing, Zhejiang.
Current Location: Shaoxing Yue Culture Museum 紹興越文化博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王壽夢之子劍, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2005).
攻敔王姑義囗劍, Li Jiahao 李金浩 (2007).

攻敔王姑囗囗劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Cao (2005):攻敔(敔-吴)王姑發難,□(壽)夢之子、 [虘+又][句+戈][舍+阝]之義□,初命伐□,囿 隻(獲)。型(荊)伐䣄(徐),余[宀+新](寴-親)逆,攻之.敗三軍,隻(獲)[囗+車]馬,攴七邦君。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(敔-吴)王姑□□,□(壽)夢之子、 [虘+又][句+戈]䣄之弟,□初命伐□(鄛),[又(有)]隻(獲)。□(荊)伐䣄(徐),余[宀+新](寴-親)逆攻之,敗三軍,隻(獲)□□,攴七邦君。


Note: There are two interpretations for the subject of this inscription.
1) Dong Shan, following Li Jinhao: King Guyimei 姑義(余/夷)芇(末/眛) (Yumei) of Gouwu, the Son of Shoumeng 壽夢, and the younger brother of Qiegouyu (Yuji) [虘+又][句+戈][舍+阝].
2) Cao Jinyan: Qiegouyu [虘+又][句+戈][舍+阝] (later king Yuji), the son of King Gufa’nanshoumeng 姑發難壽夢 of Gouwu (Gufa being the name of the royal clan of Wu, and Nanshoumeng being the personal name of the king who appears as Shoumeng in the records).

Accroding to Olivia Milburn, using the Cao Jinyan transcription:
[I], Qiegoushu, the son of King Gufa’nanshoumeng of the Gouwu, travelled to Yi and [one character missing]. [I] began by accepting the order to attack [one character missing], and took captives. Chu attacked Xu and I personally went to intercept them. I defeated the three armies, capturing horses and chariots, and launched attacks on the seven lords (Cherishing Antiquity, 125)
攻敔(敔-吴)王姑發難,□(壽)夢之子、 [虘+又][句+戈][舍+阝]之義□,初命伐□,囿 隻(獲)。型(荊)伐䣄(徐),余[宀+新](寴-親)逆,攻之.敗三軍,隻(獲)[囗+車]馬,攴七邦君。

The Dong Shan interpretation:
I, King Guyimei 姑義(余/夷)芇(末/眛) of the Gouwu, the Son of Shoumeng 壽夢, and the younger brother of Qiegouyu [虘+又][句+戈]䣄 (King Yuji). In the beginning of my reign, having accepted the order [of the Zhou King] to attack Chao 鄛, I took captives. When Chu attacked Xu and I personally resisted their advances and defeated their three armies, capturing horses and chariots, and launched attacks on the seven lords [enfeoffed in Chu].
攻敔(敔-吴)王姑□□,□(壽)夢之子、 [虘+又][句+戈]䣄之弟,□初命伐□(鄛),[又(有)]隻(獲)。□(荊)伐䣄(徐),余[宀+新](寴-親)逆攻之,敗三軍,隻(獲)□□,攴七邦君。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, “Wuwang Shoumeng zhi zi jian mingwen kaoshi” 吳王壽夢之子劍銘文考釋, Wenwu (2005.2): 67-74.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #14, 21n1.

Li Jiahao 李金浩, “Gouwu wang Guyimei jian mingwen jiqi suo fanying de lishi” 攻敔王姑義囗劍銘文及其所反映的歷史 in Guwenzi yu gudaishi 古文字與古代史 (Taipei: 2007), 293-308.

Olivia Milburn, Cherishing Antiquity: The Cultural Construction of an Ancient Chinese Kingdom (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013), 125.

In a 2015 article (新見攻𫊣王姑癹皮難劍銘文及其相關問題, Dong Shan 新见吴王馀昧剑铭考证, Dong Shan, 16.), Cao Jinyan describes a “Yumei Sword” (“Sword of King Gufa Pinan of the Gouwu” 攻𫊣王姑癹皮難劍) without clear provenance, which turned up in 2014 in the hands of a private collector with an inscription that is 74 characters long.

Based on this inscription Cao Jinyan has amended his earlier position about the subject of the “Sword of the Son of King Shoumeng of Wu” and accepted Li Jiahao’s argument that it is King Yumei. Dong Shan also wrote about the “Sword of King Gufa Pinan of the Gouwu”, saying that it recently entered into the collection of the Suzhou Museum - I did not see it there when I visited in 2018.

My translation of the inscription is based on Cao and Dong’s interpretation, and I have noted where they differ.

Spoken by the King Gufa Pinan (Cao)/Guchou Yimei (Dong): “I am the son of Shoumeng, I am the younger brother of Qiegouyu/Qiegoushu. When Qiegouciyu commanded me to initiate a campaign against Ma, I defeated Ma, and returned with numerous captives. When [the king] commanded me to resist Jing (Chu), Jing retreated, and (according to Cao Jinyan) King Wei died young (or Dong Shan: Our king surrounded the Qian area). That they already retreated and were routed, I dare not take credit. [The king] commanded me to resist the Yue, and although we did not overcome them, they did not defeat us. [The king] commanded that I succeed him a king. I selected this auspicious metal, and made this sword for my own personal use.
攻𫊣王姑癹皮難/姑讎焉(夷)雖(昧)曰:余囗(壽)夢之子,余囗囗囗(虘句徐)之嬖(?)弟。 囗囗(虘句)此囗(徐)命初伐囗(麻),敗(麻),隻(獲)衆多。命御囗=(荆,荆)奔, 王圍囗(殤)/王圍囗(乾) ,既北既殃,不我 敢(鞝)。命御𫑛(越),蜼/唯(雖)弗克,未敗(吾)邦。 命弋(代)爲王,擇氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)元用鐱(劍).

F. Weapons of the Son of Prince Jizi Zha of Wu


1. “Sword of the Cheng, the Son of (Prince) Jizi of Wu”
吳季子之子逞劍 (17th century; 集成, 18.11640).

Sword of the Son of Jizi
Inscription from Ruan Yuan 阮元 (1764-1849), Jiguzhai zhongding yiqi kuanshi 積古齋鐘鼎彝器款識 (1804), 8.20:.

Originally in the Collection of Sun Chengze 孫承澤 (1592-1676). Now Lost.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳季子之子永寶用劍, Wang Shizhen 王士禎, in 雙劍行 (1669, published in 1700).
吳季子之子保之永用劔, Wang Shizhen, Chibei outan 池北偶談 (1701).
周吳季子之子劍, Ruan Yuan 阮元 (1764~1849)
Ancient Chinese Sword with “Bird Script,” Perceval Yetts (1934).
吳季子之子劍, Rong Geng (1934).
吳季子之子逞之劍, Rong Geng 容庚 (1964).
吳季子之子逞劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11640.
吳季子之子逞之劍, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
吳季子之子逞劍, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
吳季子之逞劍, Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007).
吳季子之子劍, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014).
吳季子之逞劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Ruan Yuan (1804):吳季子之子逞之永用劍

Jicheng (Chant.org): 吳季子之子逞之元用鐱。

Dong (1992): 吳季子之子/ 逞之元用鐱。

Shi (1998): 吳季子之子/ 逞之兀(元)用鐱(劍)。

Cao (2014): 吳季子之子/ 逞之元用鐱(劍)。

Dongshan (2014): 吳季子之子逞之元用劍。


1. Wang Shizhen 王士禎, Chibei outan 池北偶談 (1701):


In the collection of Sun Beihai (Sun Chengze) there are three swords, the first is more than a foot long, with 10 characters written in bird seal script, that says, “sword to be forever used by Bao, the son of Jizi of Wu,” 吳季子之子保之永用劍, the seal script are exceptional and ancient.

2. Ruan Yuan 阮元 (1764~1849), Jiguzhai zhongding yiqi kuanshi 積古齋鐘鼎彝器款識 (1804) 8.20:


右周吳季子之子劍,劍銘十字鳥篆文據舊藏摹本編八,程易疇云:胡生得孫退谷所藏吳季子之子劍劍銘搨本(拓本),遂以遺余。其篆鳥蟲書十字二行,退谷手書釋之曰:“吳季子之子保之永用劍”;又為跋尾手書之,其略云:昔季子有劍,為徐君所愛,此則其子之劍。吾見三代諸器款識多矣,鮮有及此者。舊在睢陽袁氏曾向余言,買時一字酬以十金。余案《曝書亭集》,有孫少宰蟄室觀吳季子劍,四十韻聯句詩,又有延陵季子劍銘跋,其略云:康熙九年冬偕李良年潘耒蔡湘過退谷先生蟄室出延陵季子佩劍,相示以周,尺度之,長三尺臘廣二寸半,重九[金+(夕over 寸)](鉤?),上士之劍也。臘有銘篆文,不可辨,曰季子劍者,先生審定之辭云爾,據此則退谷初得是劍時,尚未能盡識其銘文,見有季子字,故以為季子劍,厥後十字盡識,乃知為季子之子劍也。朱氏言:臘有銘,以劍身為臘,仍注之誤。蓋臘與身其廣略同也。又案《精華錄》有雙劍行,孫退谷侍郎席上作是詩,作於康熙八年,在《曝書亭集》作劍銘跋之先,一年詩中但敘季子事,無一字及其子,可見是時王氏亦不知其為季子之子劍也。乃自注雙劍,則云其一魚腸,其一有銘云吳季子之子劍,此必因退谷既經辨識之後,改其自注以存寶錄。故池北偶談之作,遠在作雙劍行之後亦得詳載十字銘文,與退谷手書釋文無異,而其詩仍舊未暇改益,足徵其注之為改作矣。元案逞字吳侃叔所釋,蓋季子之子名,舊釋作造非也。

Inscription: The Sword of Cheng, the Son of Jizi of Wu, for him to eternally use.

To the right is the Zhou Dynasty Sword of the Son of Jizi of Wu. The Sword's inscription is 10 characters long written in Bird Seal Script reproduced from the eighth volume of facsimiles from the former collection. Cheng Yichou 程易疇 (courtesy name of Cheng Yaotian 程瑤田, 1725-1814) said, “Mr. Hu (胡世琦) acquired the rubbing of the Sword of the Son of Jizi that was in the collection of Sun Tuigu (Sun Chengze) and gave it to me. There are ten characters in two columns written in seal style bird and insect script. Tuigu personally wrote it, transcribing it as saying “the Sword to be used forever by Bao, the Son of Jizi of Wu” 吳季子之子保之永用劍. Moreover, a colophon, written in his own hand briefly says: Formerly, Jizi had a sword, which was loved by the Ruler of Xu. This is his son’s sword. I’ve seen many inscriptions on a variety of bronzes from the Three Dynasties. Very rarely do ones that match this. Formerly, Mr. Yuan of Suiyang told me when he bought it he spent 10 gold pieces of gold for each character.” My Comment: The Pushu ting ji 曝書亭集 has Assistant Minister Sun’s poem in 40 rhymed couplets about appreciating the Sword of Jizi in a secret room. Furthermore, it had a colophon of the inscription on the sword of Yanling Jizi which briefly said, “In the winter of the 9th year of Kangxi, accompanied by Li Liangnian 李良年 (1635-1694), Pan Lei 潘耒 (1646年-1708) and Cai Xiangguo 蔡湘過, Mr. (Sun) Tuigu took the Yanling Jizi personal sword out the secret room and showed it around and measured it. It was three feet long and the blade was 2 ½ inches wide, and it was 9 gou/qiang heavy, it’s the sword of a high level noble. The blade had an inscription in seal script which could not be clearly distinguished, but the reason the “Sword of Jizi” was thrown around was because a certain gentleman examined it and said so. Because of this, when (Sun) Tuigu originally acquired this sword, they still could not completely make out all the characters on the inscription, but they saw the characters ji and zi, so, he thought it was the Sword of Jizi. After this, they were able to mke out all ten characters, and finally knew it was the sword of the son of Jizi. Mr. Zhu says, “The blade has an inscription, considering the sword’s body is the blade, follows a mistake in the comment, perhaps the blade and body are about the same width.” Another comment: “The Jinghualu 精華錄 has the poem “Lines on the Two Swords” 雙劍行, written in the 8th year of Kangxi.” This poem, which was composed a year before the colophon about sword inscriptions in the Pushu ting ji 曝書亭集 was written, only details Jizi’s story, but not a word about his son, so, you can see that at this time, Wang Shizheng did not know that it was the sword of the son of Jizi. He himself annotated that the two swords (in the poem), first referred to Fish Guts and the other has inscription says the Sword of the Son of Jizi. This must come after the time that (Sun) Tuigu had deciphered the inscription, and he himself changed his annotation in order to preserve this precious record. So, the Chibei outan was composed long after the poem “Shuangjianxing,” The Chibei was also able to record in detail the ten character inscription, which was not different than the explanation that Tuigu had written with his own hand, but the (Wang’s) poem was unchanged from before, this is enough evidence that his annotations had these changes. Yuan’s comment: The character Cheng was figured out by Wu Dongfa 吳東發 (Kanshu 侃叔, 1747 – 1803), so, the previous reading that Zao as name of Jizi’s son is incorrect.


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #9, 66, illus. #43, 69.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 98-99.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #15.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術, Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007): 25. #135.

Rong Geng 容庚, “Niaoshu kao” 鳥書考. Yanjng xuebao 燕京學報 16 (1934): 198, illus #4.

Rong Geng 容庚, “Niaoshu kao” 鳥書考, in Rong Geng Wenji 容庚文集, 274-319 (Guangdong: Zhongshan daxue chubanshe, 1964), 285-6; 304, illus. #19.

Ruan Yuan 阮元 (1764~1849), Jiguzhai zhongding yiqi kuanshi 積古齋鐘鼎彝器款識.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #46, 541.

Wang Shizhen 王士禎 (王漁洋, 1634-1711) 雙劍行 (Written 1669; Collected in Yuyang shanren jinghua lu 漁洋山人精華録 in 1700).

Wang Shizhen, Chibei outan 池北偶談 (1701).

Perceval Yetts, “‘Bird Script’ on Ancient Chinese Swords.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 66, No. 3 (1934): 547-552, Figure 1.

Sword of the Son of Jizi
Photo from 銅劍, Ma Qinli 馬琴莉, “Sanyuanxian bowuguan de Shang Zhou tongqi he taoqi” 三原縣博物館收藏的商周銅器和陶器, Wenbo 文博 (1996.8): 88.

2. “Sword of [Cheng], the Son of Jizi of Wu” 吳季子之子[逞]劍 (1971)

Provenance: Unclear, Salvaged in 1971 at junk yard 廢品收購站, Sanyuan County, Shaanxi
Current Location: Sanyuan Museum 三原縣博物館
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

銅劍, Ma Qinli 馬琴莉 (1996).
吳季子之子逞劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 囗季子之子囗之元用鐱(劍)。

Note: Dang Shan notes that some scholars (no citation) view this inscription as a modern forgery. For Dong the jury os still out, and he lists the piece in the section under Ji Zha in his study.


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), # 16, 23n3.

Ma Qinli 馬琴莉, “Sanyuanxian bowuguan de Shang Zhou tongqi he taoqi” 三原縣博物館收藏的商周銅器和陶器, Wenbo 文博 (1996.8): 86-91.

G. Early Wu Dagger-axes

1. “Gong[wu] dashu [shi]nünao ge” 工大弔女夒戈.

Current Location:
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

工大弔女夒戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #182, 82n2.


Dong Shan (2014): 工(句)𫊣(吳)大弔(叔) [戈+石]女夒自乍(作) 元用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #182, 82n2.

Xiao Chunyuan 蕭春源, Zhenqinzhai cangjin: Wuyue sanjin pian 珍秦齊藏金 吳越三晉篇 (Bronzes in the Zhenqinzhai Collections: Works from Wu, Yue and the three Jins), Macao Foundation, 2008.

H. Weapons From the time of King Liao of Wu 吳王僚 (r. 526-515 BC),

Dagger-Axes of Prince Yu 戈 ()

**1. “Dagger-Axe of Prince Yu” 王子[于+欠]戈 (1961; 集成, 17.11207)

Provenance: Exacavated/unearthed? in 1961, Jia Family Ya (Cliff) 賈家崖, near Houtumiao Village 后土廟村, Wanrong County 萬榮縣, Shanxi.
Current Location: Shanxi Provincial Museum 山西省博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

王子澂戈, Rong Geng 容庚 (1964).
王子󱪝戈, Jicheng 集成, 17.11207.
王子[于+欠]戈, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
王子[于+欠]戈(一) Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1994).
王子[于+欠]戈一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
王子于戈(一), Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1999).
王子[于+欠]戈(一) , Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007).
王子[于+欠]戈一, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014).
王子[于+欠]戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 王子󱪝之用戈。揚。

Dong Chuping (1992): 王子[于+欠]之用戈。󱪝 [unknown]

Shi (1998): 王子[于+欠]之用戈。/揚。

Cao (2014): 王子/[于+欠](于)之/用戈。/[???](璗)

Dong Shan (2014): 王子[于+欠]之用戈。/璧。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Shanghai: Shuhua chubanshe, 1999), 42, illus #19.

Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #1, 57-59, illus. #35, 58.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 122-131.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #17.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術, Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007): 21, #040.

Rong Geng 容庚, “Niaoshu kao” 鳥書考, in Rong Geng Wenji 容庚文集, 274-319 (Guangdong: Zhongshan daxue chubanshe, 1964), 283-4; 305. illus. #16.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #57, 545.

Wenwu 文物 4 and 5 (1962): 5, illus. #1,2, and 3.

Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Dongzhou niaozhuan wenzi bian 東周鳥篆文字編 (Hong Kong: Hanmoxuan chuban youxian gongsi, 1994), #40, 200.


The first part of the inscription, written on the recto of the blade is without difficulties. However, the single character on the verso is more difficult to interpret. The first part reads “Dagger Axe of the king’s son Yu” (王子/[于+欠](于)之/用戈).

Wan Rong, who excavated the piece, interprets the character as 璗, see Shang Chengzuo 商承祚, “‘Wangzi yu ge’ kao ji qita” “王子(于欠)戈”考及其它, Xueshu yanjiu 學術研究, No. 4 (1962): 65-67. Shi Xiejie corrected this to 璧, and Dong Shan believes this interpretation is plausible, based on “Dagger-axe of King Guang” (Jicheng, 17.11151), see below. Found in Wu inscriptions, 璧 means “the sovereign” (辟=君). As Liao’s personal name, given as Zhouyu 州于 in the Zuozhuan [Lord Zhao, Year 20] and in the Wu Yue chunqiu [2.10] Prince Yu is identified as Liao before he took the throne.

**2. “Dagger-Axe of Prince Yu” 王子[于+欠]戈 (1961; 集成, 17.11208)

Provenance: Excavate/Unearthed? in 1961, 賈家崖, near Houtumiao Village 后土廟村, Wanrong County 萬榮縣, Shanxi.
Current Location: Shanxi Provincial Museum 山西省博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

王子󱪝戈, Jicheng 集成, 17.11208.
王子[于+欠]戈(二), Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1994), #41, 201.
王子[于+欠]戈二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #58, 546.
王子于戈(一), Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1999), 44, illus #20.
王子[于+欠]戈(二) , Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007), 21, #041.
王子[于+欠]戈二, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014), 58.
王子[于+欠]戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #18.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 王子󱪝之用戈。揚。

Shi (1998): 王子󱪝[于+欠]之用戈。/揚。

Cao (2014): 王子/󱪝[于+欠](于)之/用戈。/[???](璗)

Dong Shan (2014): 王子[于+欠]之用戈。/璧。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Shanghai: Shuhua chubanshe, 1999), 44, illus #20.

Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #2, 59, illus. #36, 60.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 122-131.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #18.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術 Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007): 21, #041.

Rong Geng 容庚, “Niaoshu kao” 鳥書考, in Rong Geng Wenji 容庚文集, 274-319 (Guangdong: Zhongshan daxue chubanshe, 1964), 283-4; 305. illus. #16.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #58, 546.

Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Dongzhou niaozhuan wenzi bian 東周鳥篆文字編 (Hong Kong: Hanmoxuan chuban youxian gongsi, 1994), #41, 201.

II. Later Wu Weapons from the time of King Guang and Fuchai (514-473 BCE)

A. Weapons of King Guang of Wu 吳王光 (r. 514-496 BCE)
(In later records called King Helu 闔廬 or Helü 闔閭)

Dagger-axes of King Guang of Wu 戈 ()

1. Dagger-axe of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光戈 (集成, 17.11151)

Provenance: Unknown, it is said to be from Jin Village 金村, Luoyang, Henan; originally in the collection of Yu Xingwu 于省吾 (1896-1984).
Current Location: Palace Museum 故宮博物院, Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔工光戈, Rong Geng 容庚 (1935).
攻敔王光戈, Rong Geng 容庚 (1964).
攻敔王光戈, Jicheng 集成, 11151.
攻敔王光戈, 其一, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王光戈, Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1994).
攻敔王光戈一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻敔王光戈一 Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1999).
攻敔王光戈, Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007).
攻敔王光戈一, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014).
攻敔王光戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔王光自。揚

Shi (1998): 攻敔王光自

Cao (2014): 攻敔王

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王光自。璧。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Shanghai: Shuhua chubanshe, 1999), 45, illus #21.

Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #3 59-62; illus. #37, 61.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 114-116.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #23.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術 Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007): 21, #036.

Rong Geng 容庚, “Niaoshu kao buzheng” 鳥書考補正. Yanjng xuebao 燕京學報 17 (1935): 174-175, #24

Rong Geng 容庚, “Niaoshu kao” 鳥書考, in Rong Geng Wenji 容庚文集, 274-319 (Guangdong: Zhongshan daxue chubanshe, 1964), 284-5; 307, illus. #18.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #47, 541-2.

Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Dongzhou niaozhuan wenzi bian 東周鳥篆文字編 (Hong Kong: Hanmoxuan chuban youxian gongsi, 1994), #36, 192-193.

2. Dagger-axe of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光戈 (集成, 17.11029).

Provenance: Unknown, originally in the collection of Qu Zhongrong 瞿中溶 (1769-1842)
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王光戈 , Jicheng 集成, 17.11029.
攻敔王光戈, 其二 , Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992)
攻(敔?王?光?)自作戈, Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1994).
攻敔王光戈二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻(敔?王?光?) 自作戈, Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007).
攻敔王光戈二, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014).
攻敔王光戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻〔敔王〕光自乍。

Dong (1992): 攻囗囗囗(光)自乍。

Shi (1998): 攻囗囗光自乍(作)。

Cao (2014): 攻〔敔王〕光自乍(作)。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻[]敔(吳)王]光自乍(作)戈。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #4 62; illus. #38, 64.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 116.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #22.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術 Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007): 25, #152.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #48, 542.

Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Dongzhou niaozhuan wenzi bian 東周鳥篆文字編 (Hong Kong: Hanmoxuan chuban youxian gongsi, 1994), #152, 330.

5. Dagger-axe of Dawang Guangyuan 大王光𧻚戈 (集成, 17.11255)

Provenance: Unknown, originally in the collection of the Jin 金 family from Songjiang 松江, and Zheng 鄭 family of Shunde 順德.
Current Location: Shanghai Museum 上海博物館 (as of May 2018, not on display).
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王光[辶+亘]戈, Rong Geng 容庚 (1964).
吳王光戈, Jicheng 集成, 17.11255.
大王光𧻚戈, 其三, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
大王光戈(二), Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1994).
吳王光𧻚戈三, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
大王光[辶+亘]戈一, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1999).
大王光戈(二), Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007).
吳王光[辶+亘]戈一, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014).
囗[???]王光[辶+亘]戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 吳王光󱅯自乍 用戈。

Dong (1992): 大王光

Shi (1998): 大(吳)王光󱅯[辶+亘](𧻚)自乍(作)

Cao (2014): 大王光

Dong Shan (2014): 囗(虡吳)大王光[辶+亘]自乍(作)用戈。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Shanghai: Shuhua chubanshe, 1999), 48, illus #24.

Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #6 63; illus. #40, 65.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 117-122.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #26.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術 Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007), 21, #039.

Rong Geng 容庚, “Niaoshu kao” 鳥書考, in Rong Geng Wenji 容庚文集, 274-319 (Guangdong: Zhongshan daxue chubanshe, 1964), 284; 306, illus. #17.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #51, 543.

Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Dongzhou niaozhuan wenzi bian 東周鳥篆文字編 (Hong Kong: Hanmoxuan chuban youxian gongsi, 1994), #39, 197.

4. Dagger-axe of Dawang Guangyuan 大王光𧻚戈 (集成, 17.11256).

Provenance: Unknown, originally in the collection of Qu Zhongrong 瞿中溶 (1769-1842)
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王光戈, Jicheng 集成, 17.11256.
大王光𧻚戈, 其二, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992)
大王光戈(二), Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1994).
吳王光𧻚戈二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
大王光[辶+亘]戈三, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1999).
大王光戈(三), Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007).
吳王光[辶+亘]戈三, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014).
囗[???]王光[辶+亘]戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 吳王光󱅯自乍 用戈。

Dong (1992): 大王光

Shi (1998): 大(吳)王光󱅯[辶+亘](𧻚)自乍(作)

Cao (2014): 大王光

Dong Shan (2014): 囗(虡吳)大王光[辶+亘]自乍(作)用戈。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Shanghai: Shuhua chubanshe, 1999), 51, illus #26.

Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #8 66; illus. #42, 68.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 117-122.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #25.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術, Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007): 25, #151.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #50, 542-3.

Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Dongzhou niaozhuan wenzi bian 東周鳥篆文字編 (Hong Kong: Hanmoxuan chuban youxian gongsi, 1994), #151, 198.

3. Dagger-axe of Dawang Guangyuan 大王光𧻚戈 (集成, 17.11257).

Provenance: Unknown, originally in the collection of He Jiaxiang 何嘉祥 of Hangzhou
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王光戈, Jicheng 集成, 17.11257.
大王光𧻚戈, 其一, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
大王光戈(一), Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1994).
吳王光𧻚戈一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
大王光[辶+亘]戈(一), Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1999).
大王光戈(一), Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007).
吳王光[辶+亘]戈二, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014).
囗[???]王光[辶+亘]戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org):

吳王光󱅯自乍 用戈。

Dong (1992): 大王光

Shi (1998): 大(吳)王光󱅯[辶+亘](𧻚)自乍(作)

Cao (2014): 大王光

Dong Shan (2014): 囗(虡吳)大王光[辶+亘]自乍(作)用戈。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Shanghai: Shuhua chubanshe, 1999), 50, illus #25.

Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #7, 63-66.; illus. #41, 67.

Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 117-122.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #24.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術, Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007): 21, #038.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #49, 542.

Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Dongzhou niaozhuan wenzi bian 東周鳥篆文字編 (Hong Kong: Hanmoxuan chuban youxian gongsi, 1994), #38, 195-196.

Swords of King Guang of Wu 劍 (jiàn)

*1. Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍 (1964; 集成, 18.11620).

Sword of Guang
Sword of King Guang of Gouwu, National Museum of China; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (January 20, 2018)

Provenance: 1964, Jin (state) tomb 晉國墓, Shiyu Village 峙峪村, Yuanping County 原平縣, Shanxi.
Current Location: Dong Shan and Shi Xiejie record it is in Shanxi Provincial Museum 山西省博物館, but I photogrpahed it in the National Museum of China, Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王光劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11620.
攻敔王光劍, 其一, Dong Chuping 董楚平.
攻敔王光劍一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵]王光劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔王光自乍用劍。

Dong Chuping (1992): 攻敔王光/自乍用鐱

Shi (1998): 攻敔王光/自乍(作)用鐱(劍)

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(敔-吳)王光,自乍(作)用鐱(劍)。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 106.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #32.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #52, 543.

Guang Guang Guang Guang Guang Guang

*4. Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍 (1974; 集成, 18.11666).

Sword of Guang 1
Photo of the Sword of King Guang of Wu, Anhui Provincial Museum; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 22, 2018)

Provenance: 1974, Biangang village 邊崗村, Tangchi xiang-village 湯池鄉, Lujiang County 廬江縣, Anhui.
Current Location: Anhui Provincial Museum 安徽省博物館, Hefei 合肥.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王光劍, Ma Daokuo 馬道闊 (1986).
攻敔王光劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11666.
攻敔王光劍, 其三, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王光劍四, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over吾+攵]王光劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔王光自乍用鐱。𧻚余允至。克戕多攻。

Dong Chuping (1992): 攻敔王光自乍用鐱(劍)。/𧻚余允(駿)至(鷙)、克戕[尋+戈](撏)、多攻(功)。

Shi (1998): 攻敔王光自乍(作)用鐱(劍)。/[辶+亘]𧻚余允至、克戕、多攻。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻[五over吾+攵](敔-吳)王光自乍(作)用鐱(劍),𧻚余允至(鷙),克[尋+戈](撏)多攻(功)。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 109-113.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #33.

Ma Daokuo 馬道闊, “Anhui Lujiang faxian Wuwang Guang jian” 安徽盧江發現吳王光劍, Wenwu 文物 (1986.2): 64, illus. #2.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #55, 544-5.

Sword of Guang Sword of Guang Sword of Guang Sword of Guang

*3. Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍 (1978, 集成, 18.11654).

Provenance: 1978, Dug out of a tomb mound on the top of a hill, on the border between Helixiang and Hewanxiang 三里,何灣兩鄉交界處小山頭土墩墓, in Nanling County 南陵縣, Wuhu 蕪湖, Anhui.
Current Location: Nanling Musuem 南陵縣博物館
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王光劍, Liu Pingsheng (1982).
吳王光劍, Liu Yu 劉雨 (1982).
攻敔王光劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11654.
攻敔王光劍, 其二, Dong Chuping 董楚平.
攻敔王光劍三, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over吾+攵]王光劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔王光自乍用鐱。厶󱭀𢦨人。

Dong Chuping (1992): 攻敔王光自乍/用鐱, 台(以)囗[(八over一over同)+戈]𢦨人。

Shi (1998): 攻敔王光自乍(作)/用鐱(劍), 台(以)囗[尚+戈](尚)𢦨(勇)人。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(敔-吳)王光自乍(作)用鐱(劍), 台(以)[尚+戈](擋)𢦨(勇)人。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 107-108.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #28.

Liu Pingsheng 劉平生, “Anhui Nanlingxian faxian Wuwang Guang jian 安徽南陵縣吳王光劍Wenwu 文物 (1982.5): 59.

Liu Yu 劉雨, “Guanyu Anhui Nanling Wuwang Guang jianming shiwen” 關於安徽南陵吳王光劍銘釋文, Wenwu 文物 (1982.8): 69.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #54, 543-4.

Sword of Guang 1
Photo of the Sword of King Guang of Wu, Shanghai Museum; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 26, 2018).

2. Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍 (1993).

Provenance: Unclear; 1993; Anji 安吉, Zhejiang.
Current Location: Shanghai Museum 上海博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻吾王光劍, Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1994).
攻敔王光劍二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻吾王光劍, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (1999).
攻吾王光劍, Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007).
攻敔王光劍, Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎 (2014).
攻[五over吾] 王光劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Shi (1998): 攻吾王光

Cao (2014): 攻吾王光

Dong Shan (2014): 攻吾(吳)王光,自乍(作)用鐱(劍)。


Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Shanghai: Shuhua chubanshe, 1999), 47, illus #23.

Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Niaochongshu tong kao 鳥蟲書通考 (Expanded Edition, 增訂版) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2014), Wu #5, 63; illus. #39, 64.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #31.

Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠, “Dong Zhou niaochongshu de wenzi zaoxing yishu” 東周鳥蟲書的文字造形藝術 Shuhua yishu xue kan 書畫藝術學刊, No. 2 (2007): 21, #037. .

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #53, 543.

Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 and Cao Jinyan 曹錦炎, Dongzhou niaozhuan wenzi bian 東周鳥篆文字編 (Hong Kong: Hanmoxuan chuban youxian gongsi, 1994), #37, 149.

Sword of King Guang
Photo of the characters zi 自 and gong (gou) 攻 from the inscription on the blade of the Sword of King Guang of Wu, Shanghai Museum
Sword of King Guang
Photo of the characters zuo 乍 and wu 吾 from the inscription on the blade of the Sword of King Guang of Wu, Shanghai Museum

Sword of King Guang
Photo of the characters yong 用 and wang 王 from the inscription on the blade of the Sword of King Guang of Wu, Shanghai Museum
Sword of King Guang
Photo of the characters jian 鐱 and guang 光 from the inscription on the blade of the Sword of King Guang of Wu, Shanghai Museum

5. Sword of King Guanghan of Gouwu 攻敔王光韓劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Sackler Museum, Harvard
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王光韓劍, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王光韓劍, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over吾]王光[𠦝+人]劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong (1992): 攻囗[五over五]( 五)王光囗[𠦝+人]韓台(以)

Shi (1998): 攻五(敔)王光囗[𠦝+人]韓台(以)

Dong Shan (2014):攻敔(吳)王光[𠦝+人](韓)台(以)吉金,自乍(作)用鐱(劍)。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 113.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #27.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #56, 545.

6. Sword of King Guangyuan of Wu 吳王光𧻚劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Private Collection in Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王光𧻚劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 吳王光𧻚,自乍(作)用鐱(劍), 以戰戉(越)人。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #29, 30n1.

7. Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: In the Private Collection of Wang Zhengua 王振華, Guyuege (“Ancient Yue Pavilion”) in Taipei 臺北古越閣.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王光𧻚劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): Pommel: 攻吾(吳)王光自乍(作)用僉(劍), 以戰戉(越)人。
Guard: 工吾王光自乍(作)用僉(劍),工吾王光自乍(作)用僉(劍)。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #30, 30n2.

8. 吳王者彶[虘+又]虜劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Wuxi Museum 無錫博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王者彶[虘+又]虜劍 Wu Zhenfeng 吳鎮烽 (2009).
吳王者彶[虘+又]虜劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔王者彶[虘+又]虜自乍(作)元用鐱(劍)。

Note: Wu Zhenfeng argues that the subject of this inscription is King Liao of Wu, but Dong Shan records that Li Jiahao 李家浩 argues that it refers to King Helu of Wu, Dong Shan does not provide a citation.

Note: Dong Shan places this sword here, accepting the argument of Li Jinhao, that in name 者彶[虘+又]虜, 彶虜 is a transliteration of 闔閭.


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #34, 31n3.

Wu Zhenfeng 吳鎮烽, “Ji xin faxian de liang ba Wuwang jian” 記新發現的兩把吳王劍,Jianghan kaogu 江漢考古 (2009.3): 81-84.

B. Weapons of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差 (r. 485-473 BCE)

Dagger-Axes of Fuchai 夫差; 戈 (ge)

*1. Dagger-axe of King Fuchai of Wu 攻敔王夫差戈 (1959, 集成, 17.11288)

Provenance: 1959, Provenance: Warring States tomb #2 戰國二號墓 (M2:18.6), north of Cai Family Hill 蔡家崗, Zhao family burial mound 趙家孤堆, Huainan 淮南, Anhui. (See also 工𫊣 (吾, 吳)大子姑發󰽉 [聑over𠔼] 反劍, 越王者旨於睗戈, and 越王者旨於睗戈)
Current Location: Anhui Provincial Museum 安徽省博物館, Hefei 合肥 (As of May 2018, not on display, but I was able to see it in the storerooms).
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差戈, Jicheng 集成, 17.11288.
攻敔王夫差戈, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差戈, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵]王夫差戈, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Chuping(1992): 攻敔王夫差/自乍其用戈

Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差/白(自)乍(作)其用戈
Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(敔-吳)王夫差自乍(作)其用戈。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 132-3.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), .

Ma Daokuo 馬道闊, “Anhui Huainanshi Caijiagang Zhaojia gudui Zhanguomu” 安徽淮南市蔡家崗趙家孤堆戰國墓, Kaogu 考古 (1963.4): 205, illus. #1 and 2; plate 3:7.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #50.

Sun Zhichu 孫稚雏, “Huainan Caiqi shiwen de shangque” 淮南蔡器釋文的商榷, Kaogu 考古 (1965.9): 465, illus. #1.

Swords of Fuchai 夫差; 劍 (jiàn)

1. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (集成, 18.11636).

Provenance: Unknown.
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11636.
攻敔王夫差劍, 其六, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差劍一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔王夫差自乍其元用。

Dong (1992): 攻敔王夫差

Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王夫差,自乍(作)其元用。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 141-146.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #53.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #74, 549-50.

**3. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1935; 集成, 18.11637).

Sword of Fuchai
Sword of Fuchai, National Museum of China; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (January 20th, 2019).

Provenance: Unclear, 1935, Inside the West gate 西門內, Shou County 壽縣, Anhui, (or said to be from Jin Village 金村, Luoyang 洛陽, Henan.
Current Location: National Museum of China 中國國家博物館, Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11637.
攻敔王夫差劍, 其一, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差劍三, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻敔王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔王夫差自乍其元用。

Dong (1992): 攻敔王夫差

Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王夫差,自乍(作)其元用。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 135-136.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #61, 38n10.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #76, 550.


**5. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (before 1949; 集成, 18.11638).

Provenance: Unclear, Pre-1949; unearthed from an Eastern Zhou cemetary at Liuli pavilion 琉璃閣, southeast of Hui County 輝縣, Henan; Salvaged in 1976 at a junkyard 廢品回收部門 in Baiquan 百泉, Hui County, Henan.
Current Location: Hui County, Baiquan Cultural Relic Safeguarding Division 輝縣百泉文物保管所, Hui County 輝縣, Henan.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11638.
攻敔王夫差劍, 其二, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差劍五, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔王夫差自乍其元用。

Dong (1992): 攻敔王夫差

Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王夫差,自乍(作)其元用。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 137.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #62, 39n1.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #78, 550-1.

Wenwu 文物 11 (1976): Plate 4:4.

4. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1965).

Provenance: Unknown; Salvaged in 1965 at junk yard 廢品收購站, Pingdu County 平度縣, Shandong.
Current Location: Shandong Provincial Museum 山東省博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍, 其三, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差劍四, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong (1992): 攻敔王夫差

Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王夫差,自乍(作)其元用。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 138-9.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #57.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #77, 550.

*6. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1976, 集成, 18.11639).

Sword of Fuchai 1
Photo of the Sword of King Fuchai of Wu, Special Thanks to the Hubei Provincial Museum; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 18th, 2018).

Provenance: 1976, Chu tomb #12 at Caipo (hill) 蔡坡, Xiangyang County 襄陽縣, Hubei.
Current Location: Hubei Provincial Museum 湖北省博物館 (Not on display; in May 2018, I was allowed to photgraph this sword, which was kept in the Museum Storerooms).
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍, Jicheng 集成, 18.11639.
攻敔王夫差劍, 其四, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差劍六, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔王夫差自乍其元用。

Dong Chuping (1992): 攻敔王夫差/自乍其元用。

Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差/白(自)乍(作)其兀(元)用。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王夫差,自乍(作)其元用。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 139-40.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #63.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #79, 551.

Wenwu 文物 11 (1976): Plate 4:1.

Sword of Fuchai 1 Sword of Fuchai 1 Sword of Fuchai 1 Sword of Fuchai 1 Sword of Fuchai 1

**7. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1991).

Provenance: Unclear; 1991; North of Zhu shanzhuang Village 朱山莊村, Chengguan Township 城關鎮, Zou County 鄒縣, Shandong.
Current Location: Zou County Cultural Relic Safeguarding Division 鄒縣文物保管所.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍七, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差

Dong Shan (2014):[攻]敔(吳)王夫差,自乍(作)其元用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #65.

Hu Xinli 胡新立. “Shandong Zouxian faxian yi jian Wuwang Fuchai jian” 山東鄒縣發現一件吳王夫差劍. Wenwu 文物 (1993.8): 72-73. illus. #4 and 5.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #80, 551.

*8. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1991)

Provenance: 1991, Warring States Tomb 戰國墓 (C1M3352), (the middle stretch of ) Zhongzhou street 中州中路, Luoyang 洛陽, Henan;
Current Location: Luoyang Museum 洛陽市博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍, 其八, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差劍八, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong (1992): 攻敔王夫差/自乍其元用。

Shi (1998): 囗(攻)敔王夫差/囗(自)乍(作)其元用。

Dong Shan (2014):[攻]敔(吳)王元<夫>差,囗乍(作)其夫<元>用。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 149.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #55.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #81, 551.

2. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown.
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍, 其七, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差劍二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong (1992): 攻敔王夫差

Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 147-8.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #52.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #75, 550.

9. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: In the Private Collection of Wang Zhengua 王振華, Guyuege (“Ancient Yue Pavilion”) in Taipei 臺北古越閣.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍九, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王夫差,自乍(作)其元用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #64.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #82, 551.

10. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Tianjin Art Museum 天津藝術博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍, 其五, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔王夫差劍十, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong (1992): 攻敔王夫差

Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 140.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #66.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #83, 551.

11. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Private Collection in Hong Kong
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍十一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #58.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #84, 552.

12. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Private Collection in Hong Kong
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍十二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #59.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #85, 552.

13. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown.
Current Location: Private Collection in Taiwan.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔王夫差劍十三, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Shi (1998): 攻敔王夫差

Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王夫差,自乍(作)其元用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #67.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #86, 552.

14. Sword of King Fuchai of Gougwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Private Collection in Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 囗大王乍(作)元用。帛(霸)備(服)晉邦囗之舆成囗囗敗囗雩全邦斯。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #54, 38n3.

15. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Private Collection in Anhui.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王元(夫)差,自乍(作)其夫(元)用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #56, 38n5.

16. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: Unknown
Current Location: Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學文物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻[五over五+攵] 王夫差劍, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Dong Shan (2014): 攻敔(吳)王元(夫)差,自乍(作)其夫(元)用。


Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #60, 38n10.

17. Sword of King Fuchai of Gougwu 攻敔王夫差劍.

Provenance: ?
Current Location: Shaoxing Museum 紹興縣博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:


My reading: [攻敔]王元(夫)差,自乍其夫(元)用。


Photo of the Sword of King Fuchai of Wu, Shaoxing Museum; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 29, 2018).
Fuchai Fuchai

Spears of Fuchai 矛 (máo)

*1. Spear of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差矛 (1983; 集成, 18.115343).

Spear of Fuchai
Photo of the Spear Fuchai of Wu, Special Thanks to the Hubei Provincial Museum; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 18th, 2018).

Provenance: 1983; Chu Tomb #5 五號楚墓, Mashan 馬山, Jiangling County 江陵縣, Hubei
Current Location: Hubei Provincial Museum 湖北省博物館 (Often on Display, but in May 2018, it was in the museum's storeroom, where I was kindly allowed examine and photograph it).
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王夫差矛, Jicheng 集成, 18.11534.
吳王夫差矛, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
吳王夫差矛, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
吳王夫差鈹, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 吳王夫差自乍甬𨨡。

Dong (1992): 吳王夫差/自乍甬(用)鏦

Shi (1998): 吳王夫差/自乍(作)甬(用)𨨡

Dong Shan (2014): 吳王夫差/自乍(作)甬(用)𨨡(錟)。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 133-4.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #51; 37, 37n3.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #87, p. 552.

Spear of Fuchai Spear of Fuchai Spear of Fuchai Spear of Fuchai Spear of Fuchai Spear of Fuchai Spear of Fuchai
Spear of Fuchai Spear of Fuchai
Spear of Fuchai Spear of Fuchai

Halberds of Fuchai 戟 ()

*1. Halberd of [Fu]chai of Gouwu 攻敔工差戟 (1980; 集成, 17.11258).

Provenance: 1980, burial on a small hill 小山墓葬, 18 pavilion 十八塔, shangyuan street 上元街, Nanyue 南獄 (嶽?), Huoshan County 霍山縣, Anhui.
Current Location: Huoshan County Cultural Relic Division 霍山縣文物組.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

攻敔戟, Jicheng 集成, 17.11258.
攻敔工叙戟, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992).
攻敔工差戟, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998).
攻敔王差戟, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014).


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻敔工差自乍用󱭣。

Shi (1998): 攻敔工差/自(乍)作用戟

Dong Shan (2014):攻敔工(王)差/自(乍)作用戟。


Dong Chuping 董楚平, Wu Yue Xu Shu jinwen jishi 吳越徐舒金文集释 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 1992), 99-101.

Dong Shan 董珊, Wu Yue timing yanjiu 吳越題銘研究 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2014), #49; 36, 36n4.

Shi Xiejie 施谢捷, Wu Yue wenzi huibian 吳越文字彙編 (Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1998), #88, p. 552-3.

Wenwu 文物 3 (1986): 44, illus. #1 - 4.

III. Bells

A. Bells 鐘 zhòng

The Bells of Prince Zhejian 者减 of Wu

Discovered in 1761 by a farmer in Beixiang 北鄉, Xinyu 新喻, Jiangxi 江西 province. The Manchu governor of Jiangzi, Asiha 阿思哈 sent the bells to Emperor Qianlong (r. 1736–1795). Set of eleven bells, but the smallest did not have an inscription. Six have long inscriptions of 83 characters, and four have short inscriptions of 28 characters Only four are extant today. The inscriptions record that they were made for Prince Zhejian of Wu, the son of King Pi’nan. Ma Chengyuan and other have tried to identify this king Pi’nan and he seems earlier than Shoumeng, indicating that Wu had already taken the title of king before their appearance in the extant recods of the Central kingdoms in 585 BCE. The Xiqing xujian 西清續鑑 (1793) describes these bells.

1. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.193.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761); Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi (present-day Qingjiang County 清江縣)
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.193.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #1, 523.


Jicheng (Chant.org):


Shi (1998): 隹正月初吉丁亥工/䱷王皮□□子者󱜷/□□□□□□□鐘/□□□󰸪[羊over 牛]不□不□/□于□□□龢/□□用□□/□□󱱢[釐+子]□□皇/且□□□□公壽/若參壽□□□□=□=/□=倉=其□于□□□/□□□□孫=永=□□□


2. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.194.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣)
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.194.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #2, 523.


(Chant.org): 隹正月□□□□□䱷王□□□□者󱜷擇其吉金。自乍□□□□□□□□□不□□□于□□□□□□□□□󱱉壽□□其皇□□□□□□□□參□□󱜹󱜹󱜺󱜺。□□倉。□其登于□□子子孫孫。永保是尚。

Shi (1998): 隹正月□□□□□/䱷王□□□□者󱜷󱜷[減over皿]/ 𢍰其吉金自乍□□/□□□□□□不/□□于□□□□/□□□□釁壽/□□其皇□□□□□□/□□參□□□龢= 󱜹[音+刀]=/□=倉=其登于□□□/□□□子=孫=永保是尚


3. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.195.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣)
Current Location:
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.195.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘三, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #3, 523.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹正月。初吉丁亥。工䱷王皮㸐之子。□󱜷睪其□□。□□□鐘。不帛□□□□□彫。□□□□□□。□龢卑□。用𣄨󱱉壽□󱱢。于其皇且皇考。若召公壽。□參壽卑女󱜹󱜹󱜺󱜺。龢龢倉倉。□其登于□□子子孫孫。永保是尚。

Shi (1998): 隹正月初吉丁亥工/䱷王皮㸐之子□󱜷[減over皿]/ 𢍰其□□□□□鐘/不帛□□□□□清/□□□□□□龢/卑□用𣄨釁壽□󱱢[釐+子]/于其皇且皇考若召/公壽□參壽卑女[龠+惠]=/󱜹[音+刀]=龢=倉=其登于□□□/□□□子=孫=永保是尚


4. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.196.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣)
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.196.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘四, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #4, 523-4.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹正月□吉□亥。工□王皮㸐□□。者󱜷其吉金。自乍□鐘。不帛不󰸪。不□不彫。󱱣于我□。卑龢卑□。用𣄨󱱉壽□󱱢。于其皇且皇考。□□□公壽。若參壽。卑□□󱜹󱜹󱜺󱜺。龢龢□□。□登于□□。子子孫孫。永□□尚。

Shi (1998): 隹正月□吉□亥工/王皮㸐□□者󱜷[減over皿]其吉/金自乍□鐘不帛不󰸪[羊over 牛]/不□不清協于□□/卑龢卑□用𣄨釁壽□/󱱢[釐+子]于其皇且皇考□/□公壽若參壽卑□/󱱢 [龠+惠]=󱜹[音+刀]=龢=□□登/于□□□□□□子=孫=永□□尚


**5. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.197.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣)
Current Location: Academia Sinica Museum 臺北中央博物館, Taipei.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.197.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘五, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #5, 524.
工䱷王皮[難 over 灬]之子者[減 over 皿]鐘, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #68A-B.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹正月初吉丁亥。工䱷王皮㸐之子者󱜷□其吉金。自乍󱜸鐘。不帛不󰸪。□□不□󱱣于□□。卑龢卑□。用𣄨󱱉壽䋣釐。于其皇且皇考。若召公壽

Shi (1998): 隹正月初吉丁亥工䱷王皮㸐之子者减𢍰其/吉金自乍󱜸[???]鐘不帛/不󰸪[羊over 牛]不濼不清協于/□󱜹 [霝over龠]卑平用𣄨/□孚□□□其皇且皇考若□□壽


**6. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.198.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣)
Current Location: National Palace Museum 臺北故宮博物院, Taipei.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.198.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘六 (Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #6, 524-6.
工䱷王皮[難 over 灬]之子者[減 over 皿]鐘, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #68C-D.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹正月初吉丁亥。工䱷王皮㸐之子睪其吉金。自乍󱜸鐘。不帛不󰸪。不濁不彫。󱱣于我霝龠。卑龢卑孚。用𣄨󱱉壽䋣釐。于其皇且皇考。

Shi (1998): 隹正月初吉丁亥工䱷王皮㸐之□□减/𢍰其吉金自乍󱜸[???]鐘/不帛不󰸪[羊over 牛]不濼不清/󱱣協于⧄󱜹 [霝over龠]卑龢/卑孚用𣄨釁壽䋣󱱢[釐+子]于其皇且考


7. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.199.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣)
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.199.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘七, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #7, 526.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹正□□□□工䱷王皮□□子者□自乍󱜸用之。

Shi (1998): 隹正□□□□□工䱷王皮/□□子者□/自乍󱜸[???]□□□□□□□用之。


8. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.200.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣)
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.200.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘八, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷, 1998, #8, 526.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹工□□皮□之子者減睪□□□。子子孫孫。永保用之。

Shi (1998): 隹□□□□□□工□/□皮□之子者減/𢍰□□□□□□□子=孫=永保用之


**9. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.201.

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣). Previously in the collection of Huang Jun黃濬 (1890-1937).
Current Location: The Palace Museum 故宮博物館, Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

者󱜷鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.201.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者减鐘九, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #9, 526.
工䱷王皮[難 over 灬]之子者[減 over 皿]鐘, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #69C.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹正月初吉丁亥。工䱷王皮㸐之子者減自乍󱜸鐘。子子孫孫。永保用之。

Shi (1998): 隹正月初吉丁亥,工䱷王/皮㸐之/子者減/自乍󱜸[???]鐘,子=孫=永保用之。


**10. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761), 1.202.

Bell of Zhejian, Shanghai Museum 上海博物館; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 26, 2018)..

Provenance: Qianlong 乾隆 year 26 (1761), Linjiang 臨江, Jiangxi; (present day Qingjiang County 清江縣).
Current Location:Shanghai Museum 上海博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1979.1): 63, illus. #2.
者减鐘十, Jicheng 集成, 1.202.
者减鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 26-39.
者󱜷鐘, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #10, 527.
工䱷王皮[難 over 灬]之子者[減 over 皿]鐘, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #69A-B.


Jicheng (Chant.org):


Shi (1998): 隹正月初吉丁亥,工䱷/王皮㸐之子/者減自󱜸[???]鐘,/子=孫=永保用之。



*11. Bell of King Guang of Wu 吳王光鍾 (1955; 集成, 1.223).

Provenance: 1955; Tomb of Lord Shen of Cai 蔡侯申 (identified as Lord Zhao of Cai 蔡昭侯, r. 519–491 BCE). The tomb of Marquis Zhao of Cai 蔡昭侯墓, inside the West Gate西門 of Shouxian壽縣, Anhui.
Current Location: National Museum of China中國國家博物館, Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

蔡𥎦甬鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.223.
吳王光鍾, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #11, 527. – Is this Cai or Wu? Shi thinks it’s Wu


Jicheng (Chant.org): 舍嚴天之命。□□不賡□春念□。吉日

Shi (1998): 光沽=囗=囗囗弔姬,虔敬命/勿忘/是嚴天之命/入城不賡寺/春念歲吉日/初庚/寺/其/維


*12. Broken Bell of King Guang of Wu 吳王光殘鍾 (1955; 集成, 1.224).

Provenance: 1955; Tomb of Lord Shen of Cai 蔡侯申 (identified as Lord Zhao of Cai 蔡昭侯, r. 519–491 BCE). The tomb of Marquis Zhao of Cai 蔡昭侯墓, Ximen 西門, Shouxian 壽縣, Anhui.
Current Location: Anhui Provincial Museu m安徽省博物館, Hefei合肥 (Not exhibited, I was given access to see this in the museum storeroom in May 2018, but not allowed to take photographs).
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

蔡𥎦墓殘鐘四十七片, Jicheng 集成, 1.224. (Cai)
吳王光殘鍾 (45 片), Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #12, 527-9. (Wu)
吳王光鐘, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #21; 27, 27n1. (Wu)


Jicheng (Chant.org):

To be added


* Nine Bells of Zangsun of Gouwu 臧孫鐘

Zangsun set
Set of Zangsun bells, Nanjing Museum; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 24, 2018).

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 (M1:53-M1:61) 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋 , Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 100, illus. #9:1.
戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.93-101.
臧孫鐘, Ma Chengyuan 馬承源 (1988), 4.549
攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83.
臧孫鐘, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #13-21, 529-32.
臧孫鐘, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #176A-B,79n1.


Jicheng (Chant.org):

Ma Chengyuan (1988): 隹王正月,初吉丁亥,攻敔/仲終囗[月+戈]之/外孫坪之/子󱜌臧孫, 𢍰(擇)/氒吉金,/自乍龢鐘,子子孫孫,永保是从。

Dong (1992) (Bells 1-9):隹王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中(仲)終囗[月+戈]( 歲)之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]( 臧)孫, 𢍰/氒厥吉金,/自乍龢鐘,子==永保是从。

Shi (1998): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中終囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫󱜷𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子==永保是從。

Dong Shan (2014) (Bells 1-9): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻囗[敔over口](敔-吳)中(仲)終囗[月+戈]之外孫,坪之子󱜌[戕over口](臧)孫,擇氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)龢鐘,子子孫孫,永寶是從。


*13. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964), 1.93.

Zangsun 93

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3) : 100, illus. #9:1. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.93. Shang Zhou: 8.7831 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #13, 529-30. 臧孫鐘, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #176A-B,79n1.

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹王正月初吉丁亥。攻敔仲冬󱱏之外孫。坪之子󱜌孫。擇厥吉金。自乍龢鐘。子子孫孫永保是從。 Dong (1992) (Bells 1-9):隹王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中(仲)終囗[月+戈]( 歲)之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]( 臧)孫, 𢍰/氒厥吉金,/自乍龢鐘,子=孫=永保是从。 Shi (1998): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中終囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫󱜷𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。 Dong Shan (2014) (Bells 1-9): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻囗[敔over口](敔-吳)中(仲)終囗[月+戈]之外孫,坪之子󱜌[戕over口](臧)孫,擇氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)龢鐘,子子孫孫,永寶是從。


*14. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964), 1.94.

Zangsun 94

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 111, illus. #10:2. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.94. 臧孫鐘, Ma Chengyuan (1988), 4.549 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #14, 530.

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹王正月初吉丁亥。攻敔仲冬󱱏之外孫。坪之子󱜌孫。擇厥吉金。自乍龢鐘。子子孫孫永保是從。 Shi (1998): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/囗終囗[月+戈] 囗/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。


*15. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964), 1.95.

Zangsun 95

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 109, illus. #8, plate 1:6. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.95. Shang Zhou: 8.7833 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘三, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #15, 530)

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹王正月初吉丁亥。攻敔仲冬󱱏之外孫。坪之子󱜌孫。擇厥吉金。自乍龢鐘。子子孫孫永保是從。 Shi (1998): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中終囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。


*16. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘(1964), 1.96.

Zangsun 96

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 112, illus. #11, plate 1:11. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.96. Shang Zhou: 8.7834 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘四, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #16, 530-1.

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 王正月初吉丁亥。攻敔*仲冬󱱏之外孫。坪之子戕孫。擇厥吉金。自乍龢鐘。子子孫孫永保是從。 Shi (1998): 囗(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中終囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。


*17. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964), 1.97.

Zangsun 97

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 111, illus. #10:1. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.97. Shang Zhou: 8.7835 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘五, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #17, 531.

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹王正月初吉丁亥。攻敔仲*󱱏之外孫。坪之子戕孫。擇厥吉金。自乍龢鐘。子子孫孫永保是從。 Shi (1998): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中終囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。


*18. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘(1964), 1.98.

Zangsun 98

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 110, illus. #9:4. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.98. Shang Zhou: 8.7836 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘六, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #18, 531.

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹王正月初吉丁亥。攻敔仲*󱱏之外孫。坪之子戕孫。擇厥吉金。自乍龢鐘。子子孫孫永保是從。 Shi (1998): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫𢍰(擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。


*19. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964), 1.99.

Zangsun 99

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 110 illus. #9:5. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.99. Shang Zhou: 8.7837 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘七, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #19, 531.

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹王正月初吉丁亥。攻敔仲*󱱏之外孫。坪之子戕孫。擇厥〔吉金。〕自乍龢。鐘子子孫孫永保是〔從。〕* Shi (1998): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中終囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。


*20. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964), 1.100.

Zangsun 100

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 110, illus. #9:2. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.100. Shang Zhou: 8.7838 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘八, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #20, 532.

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹〔王〕正月初吉丁亥。攻敔仲冬󱱏之外孫。坪之子󱜌孫。擇厥吉金。自乍龢鐘。子子孫孫永保是從。 Shi (1998): 隹(唯) 囗正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中終囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。


*21. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964, 集成, 1.101).

Zangsun 101

Provenance: 1964; Eastern Zhou tomb #1 東周一號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.

Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1965.3): 110, illus. #9:3. 戕孫鐘, Jicheng 集成, 1.101. Shang Zhou: 8.7839 攻敔臧孫編鐘, Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 80-83. 臧孫鐘九, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #21, 532.

Inscription: Jicheng (Chant.org): 隹王正月初吉丁亥。攻敔仲冬󱱏之外孫。坪之子󱜌孫。擇厥吉金。自乍龢鐘。子子孫孫永保是從。 Shi (1998): 隹(唯)王正月初吉丁亥,攻敔/中終囗[月+戈]之/外孫,坪之/子󱜌[戕over口]孫𢍰 (擇)/ 氒厥吉金,/自乍(作)龢鐘,子=孫=永保是從。


B. Goudiao-Bells 鉤鑃 gōudiào

*1. Pei’er goudiao 配兒鉤鑃 (1977; 集成, 2.426).

Provenance: 1977; in the southern foothills of Goutou mountain 狗頭山南麓, located to the southwest of Shaoxing City 紹興, Zhejiang.
Current Location: Zhejiang Provincial Museum 浙江省博物館, Hangzhou 杭州
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1983.4): 371, illus. #2 (right); 372, illus. #3:2.
配兒鉤鑃 A and B, Ma Chengyuan (1988), 4.368
配兒鉤鑃, Jicheng 集成, 2.426.
配兒鉤鑃一 and 二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #23, 533.
配兒句鑃, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #179,80n2.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 王〔犬〕子。配兒孰戕于龔威𡢁。□□□□□擇厥吉金。鉉󱜗鋁。自乍鉤鑃。余□□□□□□□

Ma Chengyuan 馬承源 (1988): □□□初吉庚午,吳/王□□□□□子配/兒曰:余囗(其)戕于戎攻(工)/𠭯(且)武。余𠨘龔囗[???](冀恭威忌),余不/敢囗[言+奇], 囗[余over口](余),𢍰(擇)氒吉金、鉉/鏐囗[金+膚]鋁,自乍鉤鑃,余㠯(以)/宴賓客,㠯(以)樂我者(諸)父。子孫用之,先人是囗[言+五](娛)。

Shi (1998): □□□□吉庚□□王/□□□□□□配兒/□□孰戕于□攻/囗[言+奇]舍𢍰氒吉金鉉/鏐囗[金+膚]自乍鉤鑃余/□宴□客□□我者父/□□□□□□是□𧦃

Dong Shan (2014): □□□初吉庚午,吳王□□余□犬子配兒,曰:余孰(篤)戕(壯)于戎攻(功)𠭯(且)武余𠨘(畢) 囗[???](???)威(畏)𡢁(忌)余不敢囗[言+奇] 囗[???](舍-豫),𢍰氒(厥)吉金,鉉(玄)鏐囗[金+膚] [鋁],自乍(作)鉤(句) 鑃,余台(以)宴賓客,台(以)樂我者(諸)父,子孫用之,先人是𧦃。


*2. Pei’er goudiao 配兒鉤鑃 (1977; 集成, 2.427).

Pei’er goudiao 配兒鉤鑃, Zhejiang Provincial Museum, Hangzhou; Photo by Benjamin Daniels (May 25, 2018).

Provenance: 1977; in the southern foothills of Goutou mountain 狗頭山南麓, located to the southwest of Shaoxing City 紹興, Zhejiang.
Current Location: Zhejiang Provincial Museum 浙江省博物館, Hangzhou 杭州.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Kaogu 考古 (1983.4): 371, illus. #2 (right); 372, illus. #3:2.
配兒鉤鑃 A and B, Ma Chengyuan (1988), 4.368
配兒鉤鑃, Jicheng 集成, 2.427.
配兒鉤鑃一 and 二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #24, 533.
配兒句鑃, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #179,80n2.


Jicheng (Chant.org): □□□初吉庚午。吳王□□□□犬子配兒曰。余孰戕于戎功𠭯武。余𠨘□〔威〕𡢁。不敢䛴。舍擇厥〔吉〕金。鉉鏐󱜗鋁。自乍鉤鑃台宴賓客。台樂我者父。子□用之。先人是𧦃。

Ma Chengyuan 馬承源 (1988): □□□初吉庚午,吳/王□□□□□子配/兒曰:余囗(其)戕于戎攻(工)/𠭯(且)武。余𠨘龔囗[???](冀恭威忌),余不/敢囗[言+奇], 囗[余over口](余),𢍰(擇)氒吉金、鉉/鏐囗[金+膚]鋁,自乍鉤鑃,余㠯(以)/宴賓客,㠯(以)樂我者(諸)父。子孫用之,先人是囗[言+五](娛)。

Shi (1998): □□□初吉庚午吳/□□□余□冢子配兒/兒曰余孰戕于戎攻/囗武余𠨘□威囗不/鏐[金+膚]鋁自乍鉤□余台/宴賓客台樂我者父/子孫用之先人是𧦃

Dong Shan (2014): □□□初吉庚午,吳王□□余□犬子配兒,曰:余孰(篤)戕(壯)于戎攻(功)𠭯(且)武余𠨘(畢) 囗[???](???)威(畏)𡢁(忌)余不敢囗[言+奇] 囗[???](舍-豫),𢍰氒(厥)吉金,鉉(玄)鏐囗[金+膚] [鋁],自乍(作)鉤(句) 鑃,余台(以)宴賓客,台(以)樂我者(諸)父,子孫用之,先人是𧦃。


peier peier peier

IV. Vessels

A. Pan 盤 (pán, shallow water vessel)

*1. Pan of Taishou of Gouwu 工𫊣大叔盤 (1988).

Provenance: 1988, Eastern Zhou tomb #3 東周三號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County 六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

工𫊣大叔盤, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #26, 534.
工𫊣工大弔[戈+石]女盤, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #181,82n1.


Shi (1998): 工𫊣大弔(叔)盤⧄⧄自乍(作)行盤。

Dong Shan (2014): 工(句)𫊣(吳)大弔(叔) [戈+石]女自乍(作)行般(盤)。


B. Yi 匜 (, small water container)

*1. Yi of Ji Sheng of Gouwu 工䱷季生匜 (1985; 集成, 16.10212).

Provenance: 1985, Wang Village 王莊, Jiupu Xiang-Village 舊鋪鄉, Xuyi County 盱眙縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Huaiyin Museum淮陰博物館, Huai’an 淮安, Jiangsu.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

工󰱨季生匜 Jicheng 集成, 16.10212.
工䱷(吳) 季生匜, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #27, 534.
工𫊣季生匜, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #184,83n2.


Shi (1998): 工䱷季生乍(作)其須(沫)會⧄。

Dong Shan (2014): 工𫊣(吳)季生(甥)乍(作)其󰱨(浣-盥)會(沬)󰱨(匜)。


*2. Yi of Luo'er 羅兒匜 (1988)

Provenance: 1988, Eastern Zhou tomb #3 (M3:6) 東周三號墓, Chengqiao 程橋, Liuhe County六合縣, Jiangsu.
Current Location: Nanjing Museum 南京博物院.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

羅兒匜, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #39, 538.
羅兒匜, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #183,83n1.


Shi (1998): 羅兒囗[曰]:余吳王之姓(甥) , 學⧄⧄⧄⧄之子,𢍰(擇)氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)盥釶(匜)。

Dong Shan (2014): 羅兒[曰]:余吳王之姓(甥) , 學卯公囗囗[夷 over 土]之子,擇氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)盥釶(匜)。

Records the marriage between a princess of the Kingdom of Wu and a high-ranking exile.


C. Jian 鑑 (jian, large water container)

*1. Jian of King Guang of Wu 吳王光鑑 (1955; 集成, 16.10298).

Jian of King Guang.jpg
Jian of King Guang of Wu 吳王光鑑 (1955; 集成, 16.10298), Anhui Provincial Museum, Hefei; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 22, 2018).

Provenance: 1955, Tomb of Lord Shen of Cai 蔡侯申 (identified as Lord Zhao of Cai 蔡昭侯, r. 519–491 BCE). The tomb of Marquis Zhao of Cai 蔡昭侯墓, Ximen 西門, Shouxian 壽縣, Anhui.
Current Location: Anhui Provincial Museum 安徽省博物館, Hefei 合肥.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Guo Morou 郭沫若, Kaogu xuebao 考古學報 1 (1956): plate 8.
吳王光鑑, Ma Chengyuan 馬承源 (1988), 4.538.
吳王光鑑 Jicheng 集成, 16.10298-99.
吳王光鑑 Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 45-49.
吳王光鑑一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #28-9, 534-5.
吳王光鑑一, Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007), 26, #160-1
吳王光鑑 Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #19-20.


Jicheng (Chant.org):

隹王五月。既字白期。吉日初庚。吳王光擇其吉金。玄銧白銧。台乍弔姬寺吁宗󱨙薦鑑。用亯用孝。󱱉壽無疆。往巳弔姬。䖍敬乃后。孫勿忘。 Dong Chuping (1992): 隹王五月,既子白/期,吉日初庚,吳王光/𢍰(擇)其吉金,玄銧白銧,台(以)乍(作)弔(叔)姬寺/吁宗[弓+(夷over土)](彝)薦鑒。用亯(享)/用孝,囗(眉)壽無疆。往/已(矣),叔姬!虔敬乃后,孫=(遜遜)勿忘。

Shi (1998):隹(唯)王五月既子白(伯)/期吉日初庚,吳王光𢍰(擇)其吉金玄銧(礦)/白銧(礦),台(以)乍(作)弔(叔)姬寺/吁宗[尸+夷](彝)薦鑒。用亯(享)/用孝,釁(眉)壽無疆。往/巳(已),弔(叔)姬,虔敬乃后,孫=勿忘。

Dong Shan (2014): 隹(唯)王五月,既子白(霸)期,吉日初庚,吳王光擇其吉金,玄銧(礦)白銧(礦),台(以)乍(作)弔姬寺吁宗[弓+(夷over土)](彝)薦鑒。用亯用孝,眉壽無疆。往已(矣),弔姬,虔敬乃后,子孫勿忘。


Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian
Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian

*2. Jian of King Guang of Wu 吳王光鑑 (1955, 集成, 16.10299).

Jian of King Guang.jpg
Jian of King Guang of Wu 吳王光鑑 (1955; 集成, 16.10298), Anhui Provincial Museum, Hefei; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (January 20, 2019).

Provenance: 1955, Tomb of Lord Shen of Cai 蔡侯申 (identified as Lord Zhao of Cai 蔡昭侯, r. 519–491 BCE). The tomb of Marquis Zhao of Cai 蔡昭侯墓, Ximen 西門, Shouxian 壽縣, Anhui.
Current Location: Anhui Provincial Museum 安徽省博物館, Hefei 合肥 (Apparently now in the National Museum, Jan. 20th, 2019).
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Guo Morou 郭沫若, Kaogu xuebao 考古學報 1 (1956): plate 8.
吳王光鑑, Ma Chengyuan 馬承源 (1988), 4.538.
吳王光鑑 Jicheng 集成, 16.10298-99.
吳王光鑑 Dong Chuping 董楚平 (1992), 45-49.
吳王光鑑一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #28-9, 534-5.
吳王光鑑一, Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007), 26, #160-1
吳王光鑑 Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #19-20.


Jicheng (Chant.org):

隹王五月。既字白期。吉日初庚。吳王光擇其吉金。玄銧白銧。台乍弔姬寺吁宗󱨙薦鑑。用亯用孝。󱱉壽無疆。往已弔姬。〔䖍敬乃后。〕孫勿忘。 Dong Chuping (1992): 隹王五月,既子白/期,吉日初庚,吳王光/𢍰(擇)其吉金,玄銧白銧,台(以)乍(作)弔(叔)姬寺/吁宗[弓+(夷over土)](彝)薦鑒。用亯(享)/用孝,囗(眉)壽無疆。往/已(矣),叔姬!虔敬乃后,孫=(遜遜)勿忘。

Shi (1998):隹(唯)王五月既子白(伯)/期吉日初庚,吳王光𢍰(擇)其吉金玄銧(礦)/白銧(礦),台(以)乍(作)弔(叔)姬寺/吁宗[尸+夷](彝)薦鑒。用亯(享)/用孝,釁(眉)壽無疆。往/巳(已),弔(叔)姬,虔敬乃后,孫=勿忘。

Dong Shan (2014): 隹(唯)王五月,既子白(霸)期,吉日初庚,吳王光擇其吉金,玄銧(礦)白銧(礦),台(以)乍(作)弔姬寺吁宗[弓+(夷over土)](彝)薦鑒。用亯用孝,眉壽無疆。往已(矣),弔姬,虔敬乃后,子孫勿忘。


Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian
Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian

1. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑 (Tongzhi 1856-1875; 集成, 16.10296).

Provenance: Unearthed during the Tongzhi reign 同治 (1856-1875), in Mengwang village 蒙王村, in Daizhou 代州 (Present day Shanxi 山西), in the ‘30s in a private collection in Beijing 北京莫氏曾藏.
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王夫差鑑, Jicheng 集成, 16.10296.
吳王夫差鑑一, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #30, 535-6.
攻吳王夫差鑑, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #43.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻吳王夫差擇厥吉金。自乍御監。

Shi (1998): 攻吳王大(夫)/差𢍰(擇)氒(厥)吉/金,自乍(作)御監(鑑)。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻吳王大<夫>差擇氒(厥)吉金。自乍(作)御監(鑑)。


2. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑 (1940s; 集成, 16.10294).

Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑 (1940s; 集成, 16.10294), National Museum of China, Beijing; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (January 20, 2019).

Provenance: Unknown, 1940s, Liuli Pavilion 琉璃閣, Hui County 輝縣, Henan.
Current Location: National Museum of China 中國國家博物館, Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王夫差鑑, Jicheng 集成, 16.10294.
吳王夫差鑑二, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #31, 536.
吳王夫差鑑, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #44.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 吳王夫差擇厥吉金。自乍御鑑。

Shi (1998): 吳王夫差𢍰(擇)氒(厥)/吉金,自乍(作)御監(鑑)。

Dong Shan (2014): 吳王夫差擇氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)御監(鑑)。


Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian
Guangjian Guangjian Guangjian

4. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑 (集成, 16.10295).

Provenance: Unknown.
Current Location: Palace Museum 故宮博物院, Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王夫差鑑, Jicheng 集成, 16.10295.
吳王夫差鑑四, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #33, 526.
攻吳王夫差鑑, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #46.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 攻吳王夫差擇厥吉□。自乍御監。

Shi (1998): 攻吳王夫/差𢍰(擇)氒(厥)吉/□(金),自乍(作)御監(鑑)。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻吳王夫差擇氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)御監(鑑)。


3. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑.

Jian of King Fuchai.jpg
Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑), Shanghai Museum; Photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 26, 2018).

Provenance: Unknown, Hui County 南輝縣, Henan.
Current Location: Shanghai Museum 上海博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王夫差鑑三, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #32, 536.
攻吳王夫差鑑, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #45.


Shi (1998): Shi (1998): 攻吳王夫差𢍰(擇)/氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)御監(鑑)。

Dong Shan (2014): 攻吳王夫差擇氒(厥)吉金,自乍(作)御監(鑑)。


SHfuchaijian SHfuchaijian SHfuchaijian SHfuchaijian
SHfuchaijian SHfuchaijian SHfuchaijian

5. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑.

Provenance: Unknown, Hui County 南輝縣, Henan.
Current Location: Shanghai Museum 上海博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王夫差鑑五, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #34, 536-7.
吳王夫差鑑, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #47.


Shi (1998): blurred and indistinct, only the character 夫 is legible

Dong Shan (2014): .....夫.....


D. He 盉 ()

1. He of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差盉.

He of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差盉, Shanghai Museum; photos by Benjamin Daniels (May 26, 2018).

Provenance: Unknown, Hui County 南輝縣, Henan.
Current Location: Shanghai Museum 上海博物館 (Donated by Eric Hotung).
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王夫差盉, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #35, 537.
[五over五+攵]王夫差盉 Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #42.


Shi (1998): 敔王夫差吳金鑄女子之器吉

Dong Shan (2014): 敔(吳)王夫差吳(虞)金鑄女子之器吉.


SHFCH SHFCH Spear of Zhezhiyuyi Spear of Zhezhiyuyi

E. Fu 簠 (fǔ)

1. 吳王御士簠 (1957; 集成, 9.4527).

Provenance: Unclear; 1957; reexcacated in Wang Village 旺村, northeast of 海淀區 Haidian district, Beijing.
Current Location: Capital Museum 首都博物館, Beijing.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王󱶯士弔緐簠, Jicheng 集成, 9.4527.
吳王御士簋, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #37, 537-8.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 吳王󱶯士尹氏弔緐乍旅󱴒。

Shi (1998): 吳王御士尹氏/弔(叔)緐(繁)乍旅匡。


F. Ding 鼎 (dǐng)

1. 吳王姬鼎 (集成, 5.2600).

Provenance: Unknown, collected from the southern suburbs of Xi’an 西安南郊, Shaanxi.
Current Location: Xian City Center for Cultural Relics 西安市文物中心, Xi’an.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

吳王姬鼎, Jicheng 集成, 5.2600.
吳王姬鼎, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #36, 537.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 吳王姬乍南宫史弔飤鼎。其萬年。子子孫孫永寶用。

Shi (1998): 吳王姬乍(v)南宫/史弔(叔)飤鼎,其萬年/子=孫=永寶用。


2. 吳王孫無士鼎 (1977; 集成, 4.2359).

Provenance: Unclear; 1977; Found in the Collection 窖藏 (jiàocáng: cellar) of Gaowang Temple 高王寺, in Zhifang xiang-village 帋 坊鄉, Fengxiang County 鳳翔縣, Shaanxi.
Current Location: Fengxiang Museum 鳳翔縣博物館.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

Wenwu 文物 (1981.1): Plate 6:2.
吳王孫無土鼎, Jicheng 集成, 4.2359.
吳王孫無士鼎, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #38, 538.
吳王孫無土鼎, Lin Chin-Chung 林進忠 (2007), 26, #162.
吳王孫無土鼎, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #185, 83n3


Jicheng (Chant.org): 吳王孫無土之脰貞。

Shi (1998): 吳王孫無/土之脰(厨) 貞(鼎)。

Dong Shan (2014): 吳王孫無土之脰(厨)鼑(鼎)。


3. 卑梁君光鼎 (集成, 4.2283).

Provenance: Unknown.
Current Location: Whereabouts unknown.
Name of Artifact Used in Previous Studies:

卑侃君光鼎, Jicheng 集成, 4.2283.
卑梁君光鼎, Shi Xiejie 施謝捷 (1998), #40, 538-9.
卑梁君光鼎, Dong Shan 董珊 (2014), #186,84n1.


Jicheng (Chant.org): 卑侃君光之飤貞。

Shi (1998): 卑[]氵+刅](梁)君光/之飤貞(鼎)。

Dong Shan (2014): 卑[]氵+刅](梁)君光之飤貞(鼎)。
