A searchable database of inscriptions on artifacts associated with the late Spring and Autumn and early Warring States kingdoms of Wu 吳 (early 6th century BCE – early 5th century) and Yue 越 (Late 6th century – late 4th century). Many of these are inscriptions are found on weapons, written in the so-called “bird and insect script” 鳥蟲書 (certainly an anachronistic misnomer).
Name of Artifact (date of excavation, discovery, or first description; jicheng 集成 number)
*Scientifically excavated
**Clear provenance but was not scientifically excavated (turned up in a field or consturction site, mudslide, etc.)
***Excavated, discovered, known about, or described before 1949 (Song-Republican Period), before so-called “bird script” was deciphered.
All others lack clear provenance.
    a. Date of Discovery and Site Name
    b. Current Whereabouts
    c. References with their Name for the Piece
    d. Transcription of Inscription in Modern Characters
    e. Translation of Inscription
    f. Images
    g. Other Notes
Indices: Brief Lists of All Catagories and All Artifacts
I. List of All Artifacts with a Clear Provenance
II. List of All Artifacts Discovered before 1949
III. List of All Wu Inscriptions
IV. List of All Yue Inscriptions
V. Other So-Called “Bird and Insect Script” Inscriptions
VI. All Archaeological Sites (Modern Era), including all finds in this database, along with any other important details
VII. Wu and Yue Blog
VIII. Written Sources about Wu and Yue History
IX. Bibliography
*1. The sword of (Prince) Gufa Zhufan, Son of the King of Gouwu 工䱷大子姑發[聑over𠔼]反劍 (1959; 集成, 18.11718).
2. Dagger-axe of King Gufa Zhufan of Gouwu 工𫊣王姑癹者坂戈.
*1. Sword of the Younger Brother of King Gufa Zhufan of Gouwu 工𫊣王姑癹 [日 in between 北 over 舌]反之弟劍 (1985).
*2. The Sword of Tong, the Son of King Gufa Zhufan of Gouwu 攻敔王姑發者反之子通劍 (2003).
*3. Sword of Caoyinyuan, the Son of the King Gufan of Wu 攻𫊣王姑發之子曹斦員劍 (1982).
*4. Sword of the King of Gouwu 工䱷王劍 (1983; 集成, 18.11665).
*1. 攻𫊣王[虘+又][句+戈]此䣄劍.
2. 攻𫊣王虘[丩+戈]此䣄劍.
3. 工𫊣大虘矣工𫊣劍.
4. 工𫊣大弔虘矣工𫊣劍.
5. 工𫊣王虘矣工𫊣劍.
*1. Spear of Gouwu 工𫊣矛 (1984)
1. The Sword of the Son of King Shoumeng of Wu 吳王壽夢之子劍.
1. Sword of the Cheng, the Son of (Prince) Jizi of Wu 吳季子之子逞劍 (17th century; 集成, 18.11640).
2. Sword of Cheng, the Son of Jizi of Wu 吳季子之子逞劍 (1971).
1. 工大弔女夒戈.
1. Dagger-axe of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光戈 (集成, 17.11151).
2. Dagger-axe of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光戈 (集成, 17.11029).
5. Dagger-axe of Dawang Guangyuan 大王光𧻚戈 (集成, 17.11255).
4. Dagger-axe of Dawang Guangyuan 大王光𧻚戈 (集成, 17.11256).
3. Dagger-axe of Dawang Guangyuan 大王光𧻚戈 (集成, 17.11257).
*1.Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍 (1964; 集成, 18.11620).
*4. Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍 (1974; 集成, 18.11666).
*3.Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍 (1978, 集成, 18.11654).
2. Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍 (1993).
5. Sword of King Guanghan of Gouwu 攻敔王光韓劍.
6. Sword of King Guangyuan of Wu 吳王光𧻚劍.
7. Sword of King Guang of Gouwu 攻敔王光劍.
8. 吳王者彶■■劍.
*1. Dagger-axe of King Fuchai of Wu 攻敔王夫差戈 (1959, 集成, 17.11288).
1. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (集成, 18.11636).
***3. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1935; 集成, 18.11637).
***5. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (before 1949; 集成, 18.11638).
4. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1965).
*6. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1976, 集成, 18.11639).
**7. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1991).
*8. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍 (1991).
2. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
9. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
10. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
11. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
12. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
13. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
14. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
15. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
16. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
17. Sword of King Fuchai of Gouwu 攻敔王夫差劍.
*1. Spear of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差矛 (1983; 集成, 18.115343).
*1. Halberd of [Fu]chai of Gouwu 攻敔工差戟 (1980; 集成, 17.11258).
**1. The Bells of Prince Zhejian 者减 of Wu
a. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.193).
b. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.194).
c. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.195).
d. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.196).
**e. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.197).
**f. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.198).
g. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.199).
h. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.200).
**i. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.201).
**j. Bell of Prince Zhejian 者减鐘 (1761; 集成, 1.202).
*2. Bell of King Guang of Wu 吳王光鍾 (1955; 集成, 1.223).
*3. Broken Bell of King Guang of Wu 吳王光殘鍾 (1955; 集成, 1.224).
*4. Nine Bells of Zangsun of Gouwu 臧孫鐘.
*a. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964; 集成, 1.93).
*b. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964; 集成, 1.94).
*c. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964; 集成, 1.95).
*d. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘(1964; 集成, 1.96).
*e. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964; 集成, 1.97).
*f. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘(1964; 集成, 1.98).
*g. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964; 集成, 1.99).
*h. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964; 集成, 1.100).
*i. Bell of Zangsun of Gouwu 减孫鐘 (1964; 集成, 1.101).
*1. Pei’er goudiao 配兒鉤鑃 (1977; 集成, 2.426).
*2. Pei’er goudiao 配兒鉤鑃 (1977; 集成, 2.427).
*1. Pan of Taishou of Gouwu 工𫊣大叔盤 (1988).
*1. Yi of Ji Sheng of Gouwu 工䱷季生匜 (1985; 集成, 16.10212).
*1. Jian of King Guang of Wu 吳王光鑑 (1955; 集成, 16.10298).
*2. Jian of King Guang of Wu 吳王光鑑 (1955, 集成, 16.10299).
***1. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑 (Tongzhi, r. 1856-1875; 集成, 16.10296).
***2. Jian of King Fuchai of Wun 吳王夫差鑑 (1940s; 集成, 16.10294).
4. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑 (集成, 16.10295).
3. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑.
5. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑.
6. Jian of King Fuchai of Wu 吳王夫差鑑.
1. 吳王姬鼎, 5.2600.
2. 吳王御士簠 (1957), 9.4527.
*3. 吳王孫無士鼎 (1977), 4.2359.
*4. Yi of Luo'er 羅兒匜 (1988)
5. 卑梁君光鼎.
***1. Sword of Goujian, the Son of the King of Yue 越王之子句踐劍 (集成, 18.11594).
***2. Sword of Goujian, the Son of the King of Yue 越王之子句踐劍 (集成, 18.11595).
*3. Sword of King Goujian of Yue 越王句踐劍 (1965; 集成, 18.11621).
1. Dagger-axe of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗戈.
*2. Dagger-axe of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗戈 (1959; 集成, 17.11310).
*3. Dagger-axe of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗戈 (1959; 集成, 17.11311).
1. Spear of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗矛 (集成, 17.11511).
*2. Spear of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗矛 (1988).
3. Spear of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗矛 (集成, 18.11512).
4. Spear of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗矛.
5. Spear of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗矛.
6. Spear of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨矛.
***1. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (1930s; 集成, 18.11600).
2. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
3. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (集成, 18.11597).
***4. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (1930s; 集成, 18.11599; 18.11598).
5. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (集成, 18.11596).
*6. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (1986).
*7. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (1996).
8. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
9. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (1996).
10. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
11. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
12. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (1995).
13. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍 (1996/7).
14. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
15. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
16. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
17. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
18. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
19. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
20. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
21. Sword of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗劍.
1. The Belthook of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yuyue 於越王者旨於睗帶鉤
1. Spear of Bushou, the son the king of Yue 越王大子不壽矛 (集成, 18.11544).
1. Sword of King Bushou of Yue 越王不壽劍 (2001).
***1. Spear of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句矛 (集成, 18.11535).
*1. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍 (1973; 集成, 18.11625).
*2. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (1977; 集成, 18.11631).
***3. The Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (1881; 集成, 18.11622).
***4. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (集成, 18.11624).
***5. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (1936; 集成, 18.11623 and 18.11629 are mixed up).
***6. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (集成, 18.11623 and 18.11629 are mixed up).
***7. Sword of the King of Yue 越王劍 (1931; 集成, 18.11570).
*8. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (1980; 集成, 18.11632).
*9. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (1987).
10. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍 (集成, 18.11630).
11. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (集成, 18.11626).
12. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍.
13. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍.
14. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (集成, 18.11627).
15. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (集成, 18.11628).
16. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
17. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 戉王州句劍 (集成, 18.11579).
18. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
19. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
20. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
21. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
22. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
23. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
24. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
25. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
26. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
27. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
28. Sword of King Zhougou of Yue 越王州句劍.
29. Sword of Zhougou of Yue 越州句劍.
1. Iron sword of King Gou of Yue 越王句鐵劍.
2. Iron sword with Bronze Guard of Zhougou of Yue 越州丩鐵劍銅格.
*1. Sword of King Sizhi Buguang of Yue 越王嗣旨不光劍 (1974; 集成, 18.11704).
***2. Sword of King Sizhi Buguang of Yue 越王嗣旨不光劍 (1935; 集成, 18.11642).
3. Sword of King Sizhi Buguang of Yue 越王嗣旨不光劍 (集成, 18.11641).
***4. Sword of King Sizhi Buguang of Yue 越王嗣旨不光劍 (1930s; 集成, 18.11692).
***5. Sword of King Sizhi Buguang of Yue 越王嗣旨不光劍 (1930s; 集成, 18.11656).
6. Sword of King Sizhi Buguang of Yue 越王嗣旨不光劍 (集成, 18.11618).
7. Sword of King Sizhi Buguang of Yue 越王嗣旨不光劍.
1. Sword of King Zhiyi Buguang of Yue 越王旨翳不光 (1994).
*2. Sword of King Zhiyi Buguang of Yue 越王旨翳不光 (2006).
1. Sword of King Zhiyi of Yue 越王旨翳劍 (1998).
1. Sword of Zhezhi Buguang of Yue 越王者旨不光劍.
1. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (集成, 18.11645).
2. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (集成,18.11648).
3. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (集成,18.11647).
4. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (集成,18.11646).
5. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (集成, 18.11644).
*6. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (1979, 集成, 18.11650).
*7. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (1979, 集成, 18.11649).
*8. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (1979), 集成, 18.11664).
9. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍.
10. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (集成, 18.11667).
11. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍.
12. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍.
13. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍.
*14. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍 (2000).
15. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍.
16. Sword of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光劍.
17. Broken Sword of the King of Yue 越王殘劍.
1. Sword of King Jibeigu of Yue 越王丌北古劍 (集成, 18.11703).
*2. Sword of King Jibeigu of Yue 越王丌北古劍 (1987).
3. Sword of King Jibeigu of Yue 越王丌北古劍.
4. Sword of King Jibeigu of Yue 越王丌北古劍.
5. Sword of King Jibeigu of Yue 越王丌北古劍.
6. Sword of King Jibeigu of Yue 越王丌北古劍.
7. Sword of King Jibeigu of Yue 越王丌北古劍.
8. Sword of King Jibeigu of Yue 越王丌北古劍.
1. Dagger-axe of King Deju or Chaixu of Yue 越王差䣄戈 /越王得居戈.
2. Dagger-axe of King Deju or Chaixu of Yue 越王差䣄戈 /越王得居戈.
3. Sword of King Zhezhi of Yue 越王者旨劍
1. Sword of Yue 越劍 (集成, 18.11655).
2. Sword 囗劍.
1. Spear of the King of Yue 越王矛 (集成, 18.11451).
1. Dagger-axe of the King of Yue 越王戈.
1. Lance of the King of Yue 越王鈹 (集成, 18.11571).
*1. Fragment of a Shattered Bell with the Character Yu 於殘鐘 (1960; 集成, 1.1).
***2. Bell of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗鐘 (Song Period; 集成, 1.144 - Six Facsimiles of the Inscription):
a. Bell of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗鐘 (Bogu tulu facsimile)
b. Bell of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗鐘 (Xiaotang jigu lu facsimile, possibly
taken from the Bogu tulu 博古圖錄, but slight variation).
c. Bell of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗鐘 (Lidai facsimile #3, taken from Bogu lu 博古錄 but slightly varied)
d. Bell of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗鐘 (Lidai facsimile #1)
e. Bell of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗鐘 (Lidai facsimile #2)
f. Bell of King Zhezhi Yuyi of Yue 越王者旨於睗鐘 (Xiaotang jigu lu facsimile)
***3. The Bell of King Zhugou of Yue 朱句鐘 (12th century, 集成, 1.171).
***4. Yue Bell with Odd Characters 越奇字鐘 (1890; 集成, 1.156).
***5. Yue bell with Odd Characters 越奇字鐘 (集成, 1.155).
***6. Yue bell with Odd Characters 越奇字鐘.
7. Zhedao bo-bell 者𣱼鑮 (bó) and Set of Twelve Zhedao zhong-bells 者𣱼鐘
a. Zhedao Bo-bell 者𣱼鎛 (集成, 1.120)
b. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.121)
c. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.122)
d. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.123)
e. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.124)
f. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.125)
g. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.126)
h. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.127)
i. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.128)
j. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.129)
k. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.130)
l. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.131)
m. Zhedao Bell 者𣱼鐘 (集成, 1.132)
1. The Goudiao-bell of the son of Gufeng Guatong 姑馮𠯑同之子句鑃 (1788, 集成, 2.424).
2. The Qici Goudiao-bell 其次句鑃 (19th century (Daoguang 道光 reign); 集成, 2.422).
3. The Qici Goudiao bell 其次句鑃 (19th century (Daoguang 道光 reign); 集成, 2.421).
1. The Zhili Fragment of a Tripod Cover 之利殘片
*1. King of Yue Stone Spearhead 越王石矛 (1957). *2. Stone Spearhead of King Buguang of Yue 越王不光石矛 (1997). *3. Stone Spearhead of the King of Yue 越王石矛 (1958).
1. Jade Sword of King Zhugou of Yue
*1. Dagger-axe of Lord Shen of Cai 蔡侯申戈 (1980; 集成, 11142).
2. Dagger-axe of Lord Shen of Cai 蔡侯申戈.
3. Dagger-axe of Lord Chan of Cai 蔡侯產戈 (集成, 11143).
***4. Dagger-Axe of the Duke Chan of Cai 蔡侯產戈 (Song Period; 集成, 11144).
5. Dagger-axe of Lord Chan of Cai 蔡侯產戈.
6. Dagger-axe of Lord Chan of Cai 蔡侯產戈.
7. Dagger-axe of Lord Chan of Cai 蔡侯產戈.
8. Halberd of Lord Chan of Cai 蔡侯產戟.
*9. Sword of Lord Chan of Cai 蔡侯產劍 (1959; 集成, 11604).
*10. Sword of Lord Chan of Cai 蔡侯產劍 (1959; 集成, 11602).
*11. Sword of Lord Chan of Cai 蔡侯產劍 (1959; 集成, 11603).
12. Sword of Lord …shu of Cai 蔡侯囗叔劍 (集成, 11601).
*13. Sword of Lord Cong of Cai 蔡侯從劍 (1993).
14. Dagger-axe of Cong, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子從戈.
15. Dagger-axe of Cong, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子從戈.
16. Sword of Cong, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子從劍 (集成, 11605).
17. Sword of Cong, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子從劍.
18. Dagger-axe of Ban, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子頒戈.
19. Dagger-axe of Guo, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子果戈 (集成, 11146).
20. Dagger-axe of Guo, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子果戈 (集成, 11147).
21. Dagger-axe of Guo, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子果戈蔡公子果戈 (集成, 11145).
22. Dagger-axe of Jia, Son of the Duke of Cai 蔡公子加戈 (集成, 11148).
***23. Dagger-axe of the Son of (Duke) Jia of Cai 蔡加子戈 (1942; 集成, 11149).
24. Dagger-axe of Ziyan, the Younger Brother of the (Lord of) Cai 蔡叔子宴戈.
*25. Dagger-axe of the Grandson of the Duke of Cai 蔡公孫戈 (2006).
*A. Wangzi Wu ding 王子午鼎 (1978, set of seven vessels, 1978; 集成, 2811).
*B. Wangzi Wu ding 王子午鼎 (1978)
*C. Wangzi Wu ding 王子午鼎 (1978)
*D. Wangzi Wu ding 王子午鼎 (1978)
*E. Wangzi Wu ding 王子午鼎 (1978)
*F. Wangzi Wu ding 王子午鼎 (1978)
*G. Wangzi Wu ding 王子午鼎 (1978)
*蒍子倗缶 or 鄬子倗缶 (1978)
*蒍子倗缶or 鄬子倗缶 (1978)
*倗瑚 (1978)
*倗瑚 (1978)
*蒍子受鎛 also 鄬子受鎛 (1990)
*蒍子受鎛 (1990)
*蒍子受鎛 (1990)
*蒍子受鎛 (1990)
*蒍子受鎛 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子受鐘 (1990)
*蒍子孟嬭青瑚 (1990)
***楚王酓璋戈 (1936; 集成, 11381)
楚王酓璋劍 (Not Bird Script)
***楚王酓前盤 (1933; 集成, 10100)
*敓戟 (集成, 11092)
王子适匜 (集成, 10190)
*楚王孫漁戈 (1958; 集成, 11152)
*楚王孫漁戈 (1958; 集成, 11153)
*君戈 (集成, 11026)
*南君戈 (Bird Script according to Cao, 2014)
南君戈 (Bird Script according to Cao, 2014)
*番仲戈 (集成, 11261)
*1. The Dagger-axe of Marquis Yue of Zeng 曾𥎦戉戈 (1978; 集成, 11174).
*2. The Halberd of Marquis Yue of Zeng 曾𥎦戉戟 (1978; 集成, 11175).
*3. The Halberd of Marquis Yue of Zeng 曾𥎦戉戟 (1978; 集成, 11176).
*4. The Halberd of Marquis Yue of Zeng 曾𥎦戉戟 (1978; 集成, 11177).
*5. The She-spear of Marquis Yue of Zeng 曾𥎦𫑛殳 (1978).
6. The Fu-vessel of Marquis Yue of Zeng 曾𥎦戉簠曾𥎦戉簠.
*7. The Halberd of Marquis Yi fo Zeng (3 blades) 曾𥎦乙戈戟 (1978; 集成, 11173).
*8. The Halberd of Marquis Yi fo Zeng (3 blades) 曾𥎦乙戈戟 (1978; 集成, 11172).
9. Sword of Ze the son of the Marquis of Zeng 曾𥎦子昃劍.
10. Dagger-axe of Marquis Ze of Zeng 曾𥎦昃戈.
*11. Dagger-axe of Marquis Ze of Zeng 曾𥎦昃戈 (2003).
*12. 曾仲蒍鎮墓獸座 (1990)
***1. The Dagger-axe of Duke Luan of Song 宋公欒戈 (1936; 集成, 11133).
2. The Dagger-axe of Duke De of Song 宋公得戈 (集成, 11132).
Belthook (帶鉤 dàigōu) with inscription written in bird script 鳥篆箴言帶鉤.